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Azaylea's pov

A couple months has passed by since the incident. Teo is healthy and Ayo is great. Everything is great.

We've had more security but the shows never get tired. They love making people happy and showing support to their fans. They even had a chance to go to Japan!

As for me and Ayo, there is nothing going on between us anymore. Me and Teo are just friends. Isaiah still flirts with me but I don't mind it.

Of course there are some really crazy fans that can't calm the hell down but we got it here.

Tell me why I feel like Ayo is never gonna let go of me? Like he still loves me or something.

All is going well, cash flowing in ya know ?

We all just sitting here chilling at the crib when there's a suddenly knock on the door.

Teo goes open it and once you here the door click screams and yells come in.

Wanna know who the fuck just walked in?


Yep the girl that Ayo cheated on me with. But everyone gasped when she was in the middle of the room, with a huge baby bump.

"Ayo I'm pregnant." She starts crying. Ayo looking like he don't want anything to do with her.

Then she stops sobbing and looks harshly at him.

"It's yours."

Ayo looks up in shock.

"That's not my fucking baby." He says.

"Yes the hell it is, now you gone be a father to him."

"Nah I ain't no father I want a DNA test first."

"Fine." She crosses her arms and storms out the house.

When the door closes we all snap our neck to Ayo.

"What the hell Ayleo? Dad gone be super mad when he hears." Teo says shaking his head.

I'm disappointed, like you would expect him to use protection or sum but no he did not.

Just when I thought all was going well, it always takes a turn for the worst.


Hey sorry for the short chapter

Literally don't know what to write about, and updates are prolly gonna be rlly slow from now on cuz the rest of my summer is basically filled with field hockey practice and Ik im gonna be rlly busy once school starts 

But whatever, vote comment

Unicorn gang 🦄

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