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Azaylea's pov

Ayo's been....different. Like he hasn't been talking to me as much. He said he's always busy and never tells me where he's going.

Like I should know what's going on. I'm their manager and his girlfriend. But he's got his own life too so I'm trying not to be so clingy.

I always think it's the worst.

But I think I'm tripping for nothing. So whenever Ayo's not home me and Teo go on adventures together.

But in my gut feeling, I feel like nothing good is going on. He usually tells me everything. He's been so distant.

"Bye baby." He kisses my cheek and leaves. Bruh that's all the does these days. We haven't kissed in such a long time.

"Bye." I say. He notices my sad mood but he just leaves anyways.

"Don't be so down. I'm still here." Teo says and gives me a weird face.

"Omg." I say and laugh.

"Come on, I need to go to target to get benji some more food."

We call and uber and we head to target.

"Ok I didn't wanna tell you but I feel bad for keeping it in." Teo says.

We put the cart in the escalator.


"Ok so the other day I went though Ayo's phone and he's been taking dirty to some girl."

It goes quiet for a minute.

"I didn't know that." I say and rub my arm.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to assume anything. Maybe he'll stop with this nonsense."

"I'm not gonna do anything until I catch him in the act. But if he wants to be distant with me I can do that same thing back." I say.

"Yeah go be a petty ho." Teo winks.

"Yea bitchhhhhh!" We laugh really loud and the old couple looks at us.

"And I thought we were crazy in our young years." The old lady says to her husband.

Omg 😂

Some elderly honestly crack me up.

Ayo's pov

"Iliana, you know we gotta stop. I already got a girl at home." I say.

"So she can go fuck herself. My pussy better than her's." Iliana says.

Mmmmmm I think that's debatable. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this. I know azaylea's special. I can't lose her.

But she's getting a lil suspicious.

I met Iliana that day when we took pictures with our fans. I couldnt stop after.

I mean I know her body fake and all but she look like a Kim k. Azaylea will always be my one and only but Iliana just a lil sum on the side.

I can get it with her anytime, but it ain't special.

"Bruh stop worrying about her. You came her for my pussy, not to think about her." She says and takes off my shirt.

I hope Azaylea doesn't find out.




Go read some of my other books, I finished dark web today

Send me requests for Ayo and Teo imagines by private message.

Unicorn gang 🦄🦄

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