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Azaylea's pov

I'm heartbroken.

I'm angry.

I'm confused.

I'm contemplating what has happened.

About 2 weeks ago, I caught Ayo and Iliana in our bed together, having sex.

Like wtf ?

And opps, I meant to say his bed now.

But as a young mature women I didn't scream or beat anyone up or anything. Instead I acted like I was best friends with her and said hi. Then I got my back pack and packed it with money and clothes.

I stayed at a hotel for a couple nights, and now I'm crashing with at Key's house.

I didn't even say goodbye to Ayo. I didn't have to. He already knew he messed up so nothing else needed to be said.

Everything that he's ever bought me, I left it in his room.

I thought he could be more mature than this. I thought he was different but it seems like he's hooked up with a groupie.

And it's been harder to do tours. We don't communicate with each other, I mostly just stay with Teo.

Teo knows what happened and he suggested I stop working with them but I said no. I'm not just gonna let one little breakup affect my career.

Ayo puts on his regular act when they perform and anywhere on social media but the truth is after it's over, he blocks himself out from everyone and stays on his phone.

Who knows what going through his mind?

I have many different emotions going on too but I seem like I'm ok. And I think I am ?

Well whatever happens, I'm still their manager and I'm gonna do everything I can to help their dancing career.

Ayo's pov


I look depressed.

I got so scared when I was caught, I thought she was gonna kill me and then leave and no one would ever see her again.

I ended whatever thing I had going on with Iliana. She's like a fucking gnat. She won't leave me alone.

"Hello?" I say to whoever's on the other line.

"Baby why wont you come over I miss you." I hear Iliana's voice and it makes me angry.

"Bitch." I hang up the phone. I block the number but that's all I can really do.

I need some bitch repellent.

I'm scared to talk to Azaylea about the situation. I've been seeing that her and Teo have been talking a lot and it kinda makes me jealous cuz in my head I still haven't gotten over the fact that she isn't mine anymore.

I hear she been crashing at key's house. She should be living with me, in my bed.

I really miss her and I wish I could go back and fix everything.


So I think I want this book to have a happy ending and it's almost over.

So you guys know tht Ayo and tianna broke up and everything is making a big deal out of it but I honestly don't care 😂 but I support both of them %100

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