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Azaylea's pov

"Ayo y'all got an interview in 20 minutes and then we gotta go to another show but we got like an hour in between." I say.


It's been a month since the whole situation and I guess everything is ok now. We only have small talk conversations and we're more business partners now than actual friends.

I'm moved back in the apartment with them, I had fun with key though 😂

I slept in the couch for the first couple nights but Teo insisted that I move into his room so I did. It seems like when I first meet him because every morning when I wake up I'd always end up in his arms.

Friendship bros were here today and after work was all done we went to sky zone. I wasn't in the mood so I sat at the table with Will and plugged my earbuds in and took a nap.

"Azaylea? You hungry?" I feel someone shake me awake.

"Yeah." I reply to Ayo.

We went to get Panera. Every time the friendship bros come it's like a fucking party.

"Hey babyyy." Sosho says to me.

Omg every time we hang out he always talks to me in this kind of way but I don't mind it.

"Hi sosho." I smile at him.

"So when this whole thing gon be official ya know what I mean?"

"Omg please stop." I take his arm off my shoulder. We flirt with each other a lot but I just don't wanna be in a relationship. He winks at me and goes back to talking with renzell.

"What was that all about?" Teo asks me.

"Ehh nothing." I laugh.


Late at night I got thirsty and I went to get some water and I see Ayo's door is open with the lights on.

"Hey you not tired? We got a big day tomorrow." I say walking in with two cups of water. I hand him a cup.

"I can't sleep."

"Well I don't think playing videos games is helping with that." I laugh slightly.

I say goodnight to him and leave the room.

In the morning, me and Teo got ready and I went to wake up Ayo but I hear sniffling coming from his room.

"Ayo. Get out of bed we gotta go soon."

"No leave me alone." His voice breaks.

Damn is he crying?


He turns and looks at me. He looks really tired and he's crying.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done. It was a huge mistake for leaving you but I know you don't wanna be with me ever again." He stares at the chain on his nightstand.

I really have no words to say because everything he said was true. I rarely believe in second chances in relationships.

I don't know how to make him feel better so I get in the bed with him and he hugs me really tight and I feel his tears go on my shirt.

"Ayo. Please get out of bed. You can sleep in the car but we can't be late."

"I know." I step out the bed and I grab his hands so he can get out.


"Sosho stop staring at my ass please." I say and everyone turns around.

"Sorry I just-" he puts his hands up and stops talking. This man omg.

After a long day we go out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. I sit next to Teo. Everyone is having conversations within themselves.

"Azaylea?" Teo says.

"Yea Mateo?"

"Uhhh I've had feelings for you for a very long time and I know nothing will ever happen to us but I just want you to know because I can't keep it in anymore." He looks down at his food after.

I don't know what to say so I just smile at him. I feel like he's told me this before or I just know he does.

Well, life is going ok. Being a manger, making money , putting myself on the map.

That night I cuddle up to Teo and we watch movies together until we fall asleep. Once again I wake up to get water and I hear Ayo crying again.

I give him my stuffed bear so try to make him feel better.


Omg this was such a bad chapter 😂 it was all over the place

But yeah dude, so I have a book I'm making but I havent published any chapters bc I'm not sure if it's gonna be a good story but it's kinda like a sequel to 'dark web' and it focuses more on Teo.

But I'm not sure if I wanna post it cuz dark web wasn't a big success like I thought it was gonna be 😐

But check out some of my other stories, I put in a lot of work in them.

Unicorn gang 🦄

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