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Azaylea's pov

"No I'm not allowing you to leave!" Ayo screams in my face. Teo doesn't do anything because he's too scared. I've never seen him this angry before.

"I am everybody hates me I have no purpose anymore."

"Everybody gets hate though and that's the one thing that's letting you stop, you stupid!" He says.


"I'm not fucking stupid I just don't wanna do it anymore!" I yell back.

"Well you gotta learn to cope with it because it's life!"

You can hear benji furiously barking in the background. I have hot tears running down my face and I leave the house. I just need some time to calm down.

I press the elevator button and it opens, I go into it and I wait for the door to close but just as it's about to close Ayo runs into it.

"Why are you here?"

"Because your not leaving me." He looks at me with an straight face.

"Does it look like I'm fucking leaving yet?" I snap back with an attitude.

He grabs my wrists tightly, to the point where I can feel him making bruises.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I cant just let you go like that, I'm not giving you a choice."

The elevator bell rings and I push him to the door and walk away.

Were in front of the building and he grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him.

"Stop." He says.

Teo's pov

I see Ayo grab her and they are extremely close to each other, I think they fighting again. Then Ayo smashes his lips on to hers.

Benji barks like crazy, I see that Azaylea doesn't like what he's doing and she trying to push him off, I guess benji don't like what he sees either.

She manages to push him away and slaps him. Ayo stands there star struck. He goes back inside the building and I hear him knock on the door two minutes later. He walks inside with a sad face and takes benji into his room.

Man how you just gon take my dog without saying nothing?

I sigh and leave the crib, I'm gonna go find her.


"I think it's okay if you wanna leave, and Ayo should respect that choice, but we both want you to know that you were a great manager." I say.

"I know, you guys make me so happy, I just don't think I'm meant for this kind of lifestyle. I'm so depressed and it seems like I don't have anytime to relax."

"If you stay, I'll help you. I promise you can be happy with me around."

She cuddles closer to me. Her hair smells like vanilla. We stay like this for a couple hours until she falls asleep and I bring her back home.

I take off her clothes and change her into my sweatpants and a sweater.

Omg yesss I did she her body and it's amazing but I would only do things to her with her consent, I'm not a crazy fuck.

I like Ayo getting crazy though, he been different since they broke up.

I hear benji's chains come closer to me and he pushes the door open with his nose. I pick him up and place him on the bed where he crawls in between the both of us, falling asleep.


Ouuuu short chapter sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️

But I have another book in the process and it's a maid book but I don't think I wanna publish it until I'm done with this story and idk when that's gonna be

Check out some of my other stories!

Send me requests for 'Ayo and Teo imagines' pleaseeeeeee

Unicorn gang 🦄🦄

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