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Azaylea's pov

The waiter offered me a drink, she was walking around the club passing it out to everyone. Ayo and Teo were invited to a club to perform tonight.

I took a sip, and then another one, and soon enough I've drank half of it and I feel weird. Not drunk weird but weird weird.

I knock out.

When I wake up I'm in a big warehouse, tied up in a chair with tape over my mouth. A girl comes in, with a gun to her side.

She holds it up to my face, and laughs. Next thing you know she pulls the trigger. She had a cover on her face but the only thing I remember is a small arrow tattoo on her arm.

I wake up screaming.

Woah, that was such a bad nightmare.

I see Teo still sound asleep, it's 12 in the afternoon. I text Ayo to see if he's up and he is, along with the other friendship bros. I get up and get ready, I leave Teo be because he's been really tired these past couple of days.

But I'm lowkey scared, that dream seemed so real. And it's in the club we going to tonight. I walk down the lobby in my own thoughts. Someone taps my shoulders.

I jump.

"Are you ok?" Ayo asks me. I nod looking at the ground.

"Want this?" Zaya hands me an iced Starbucks coffee. I widen my eyes and say no.

What if it's poisoned?

Wtf zaya wouldn't poison it.

We arrive at the mall and the whole day I've been really jumpy, I just have an uneasy feeling about that nightmare.

"Relax what's wrong with you?" Ayo asks.

"Nothing." I say. He stares at me.

"Wuahhhho!" He screams in his Mickey Mouse voice.

At least he's starting to get back to his regular self again.


Mystery person's pov

I fix my weave before grabbing some more drinks. When no one was noticing, I dump some powder into one of them.

I know she's underage, well a lot of them are actually. So I'm serving them lemonade.

I walk up to them, she's happily talking to Ayo while Teo is recording kumo.

I had Ayo his drink and kumo an alcoholic one.

I had another cup to Teo but I soon realize IT WAS THE WRONG CUP. He wasn't suppose to drink that one. Ohhh shit I messed up.

"Omg that was suppose to be for Azaylea!" I scream and her and Ayo took at me. Teo falls to the ground passing out and breaking the glass cup.

I try to run away but I get pulled back by Ayo.

"What the fuck did you do to my brother." He says sternly.

I stand there with my mouth wide open. He grabs me.

"I'm not gonna ask you again, what did you do?" He says, you can see the anger in his eyes.

"I accidentally gave him the cup that had drugs in it, it was suppose to be for Azaylea." I say crying.


Ayo's pov

By now everyone in the club was asked to leave. Azaylea is kneeling down to Teo checking for his pulse.

Who the fuck is this bitch? I know I've seen her before but I can't remember where.

"Have I seen you before?" I ask.

Her cries stop and her frown turns into a smirk.

Bitch wtf ??????

She starts laughing like crazy. "You don't remember me? I'm the one that threw the knife to her!" She laughs and spins around.

My eyes go wide.

I call security and I tell them to bring her to the police and press chargers for attempted murder and kidnapping.

"Ayo that's the girl." Azaylea says.

"I know, she not gon come back." I carry her in my arms.

"She's the one that killed me in my dream, she's got the arrow tattoo."

"Don't worry about it, we gotta get Teo home." She nods her head but I can tell her mind is still somewhere else.

We go back in the van and everyone is silent.

I've been feeling better lately. Me and Azaylea are back on good terms. I still wish she was mine but that might not happen anymore.

And I've accepted that. But if she wants me back, I would take her in a heartbeat.

I carry Teo up to his hotel room. I stay in his room the whole night, making sure he's ok.

But for real, where the hell is that bitch repellant I asked for ? I still need that, y'all saw what happened tonight right?





Unicorn gang

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