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Azaylea's pov

This morning I woke up feeling guilty. I shouldn't have said what I said. I realize now I want something with Ayo. He's never treated me badly for the time I've known him. 

This whole day, I've been waiting for Ayo to come see me, I texted him the addy of the hotel I was in but he just read it. He's still mad at me and I understand. 

It's like I cheated our friendship-relationship thing. It's kinda hard to explain but I'm sure you guys get it. 

I catch up on homework the whole day and notifications from some gossip page on instagram keeps tagging me in stuff. I check it cuz it got me curious. There was pictures of Ayo with some girl I've never seen before and I felt jealous. 

Ayo probably felt like that when I was with Jayden. The page was creating dating rumors and saying that he cheated on me and blah blah blah. Just shit. 

The day is almost over and no one has come to see me. 

There's a knock on my door and it's Ayo. I hug him tightly. I missed him so much. He smelled like perfume though so I guess those pictures wasn't Photoshop. 

We take and uber home together but there was an awkward silence in the car. And remember that uber driver with the weave that couldn't pronounce dollars right? Well he ended up being out uber again and he wasn't really making things better. He was singing to himself and telling himself he gotta get his weave checked. 

"Alright ya'll 20 dollaras." He said itching his Brazilian weave. Oh lawrd. 

I was going to pay but Ayo pulls out 25 dollars and we leave. 

He doesn't say anything to me the whole night so I guess he's still mad at me. And that's fine, I'm not gonna force him to talk to me. 

"Good night Ayo." I say grabbing my pillow and blanket. Since I'm guessing he's mad at me, he don't want me sleeping in his bed. I start to leave but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. 

"Where you going?" 

"To the couch..." 

"You don't have to go, you can sleep with me." He says pulling me into the bed. 

"I thought you were still mad at me." I say. 

"I don't know how I feel about you right now. I hung out with some girl today but I left her because I felt guilty. Goodnight." He kisses my forehead and turns so his back is facing me. 

I didn't really get that much sleep tonight. 


Today was a very busy day and I had to do my own things. I had to go mail all my homework and stuff back home so that my parents could give it to my teachers, I had to go to business meetings. I had to make a presentation, all that stuff. 

As my day was over, I was walking back to the crib. The sunset was beautiful tonight.

"Azaylea!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and I see Jayden catching up to me.  Oh lawrd not him again. 

"Wanna hang out right now? We could go watch a movie." He says. 

I turn around and stop him. "Lose all my contacts and don't come looking for me. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Leave." I say and he gets angry. He growls and walks away from me. 

I continue walking back home. 

Jayden's pov

She can't run away from me...

Azaylea's pov

When I open the door, I see Ayo cooking something and Teo and Leah were in the kitchen with him. 

"Hey Ayo." He turns around and winks at me. 

"Teo. Leah." I nod my head at them. Leah minds her own business and Teo puts his head down. 

"Baby try this." Ayo says and puts the ladle to my mouth. 

"Hmm that's good." I say licking my lips. He smiles at me. We all sit down together as we eat dinner. Today, there was no fighting or awkward tensions between all of us. After dinner, Teo and Leah went in their room and I went in Ayo's room. 

I sit in my vanity and start taking my hair of of its bun. Ayo sits next to me. He stares at me in awe the whole time. 

"You know you make me have butterflies in my stomach whenever you stare at me like that?" I say and he laughs. 

"I'm sorry Azaylea. I over reacted. Your'e right, we not together so I shouldn't be saying what guys you can hang out with." 

"Don't be sorry cuz I am. I did you wrong and I really like you Ayo. I shouldn't have said those things." He grabs me and kisses me on the lips. 

"Baby girl you amazing." He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of us together, he puts a blue heart as the captions and likes and comments instantly follow as soon as he posted it. 

When he posted it, I started to get in my feelings cuz most of those comments were offensive. 

"Don't listen to them." He says and blocks some people. 

We get ready to go sleep and he puts his head on my chest. I play with his dreads until he falls asleep. 

He mumbles softly to himself. 


How was this chapter? 

More stuff coming soon... I think

unicorn gang 

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