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Azaylea's pov

It's been almost a month now since the fight. And you know what? Leah is still here with that fucked up face. 

What is she even doing here bruh? That night I heard them fight but I guess they fixed everything. They officially dating now. And you know how I found out? Though instagram. Teo didn't even tell his own brother. When we found out both of our mouths dropped. 

But I don't care anymore. Like I don't think I got feelings for him no more. He just a business partner now. The only time I talk to him is to tell him about future events they having, knowing that he gon show up late for them cuz he probably eating Leah's fishy pussy. 

Me and Ayo have definitely gotten a lot closer though, I don't know how I feel about him but there's something there. One night, things got heated in our room and he ended up eating me out and I sucked his dick. 

But pretend you ain't hear that ok? Just sip your tea. 

Today they at the studio working on some music. Leah didn't come cuz she said she had 'things' to do. I got hungry so I left to go find something to eat. 

I'm walking by myself and I go into this healthy salad looking place. I think some hippes or whatever go here, their logo is a tree. I order a salad and start eating it. 

When I walk back into the studio, I bump into someone. It's those same eyes. 

"Marianna. I missed you." Jayden says and tries to go in for a hug but I step back. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask. 

"I wanted to apologize, for everything I've done. I'm truly sorry and I wanna fix things between us. You are someone I see in my future and I don't wanna lose that." He flashes his smile and I melt all over again. 

I swear this man has some effect on me whenever I look at him. I can't help but give in. 

"Ok, we'll start out slow." I say and he smiles again. The whole rest of the day, we spent our time at the pier, playing games and going in the water. 

Times passed by so quickly and it was already 6pm. I forgot about everyone else the whole day. I didn't even text Ayo. 

"Bye. It was nice catching up with you." He says giving me a hug. 


I walk back in the studio and they were finishing up. 

"Hey, we gotta talk when we get back." Ayo says not looking at me in the face. Oh my lawrd what I do now?

When we get back home, Teo sits with Leah on the couch and Ayo grabs my hand tightly and brings me to our room. He slams the door and he isn't happy. 

Ayo's pov 

Just as we were finishing up in the studio, I took a look outside and I saw Azaylea standing in front of the building hugging someone. 


The thought of his face made my blood boil. What was she even doing wit him? I slam the door and I sit her on my bed, well I kinda threw her. 

"Omg Ayo what are you doing?" She says. 

"What were you doing with Jayden today?!" I yell. 

"You saw him?"

"What were you doing with him?" I ask again crossing my arms. 

"Nothing he just apologized and we hung out." She said. 

WTF?????? She just gon forgive him after what he did? He a sly motherfucker. 

"And what happened? How could you just leave me like that and not even tell me what you were doing?!" I say. 

"Geez calm down, you acting like we together or sum." She says and my face drops. That hurt me. 

I really thought we had something together. I mean after that night-, I thought she was into me. But I guess not. 

"Leave." I say. 

"What do you mean leave?" 

"Like leave, get out of my crib." I say calmly not looking at her. She did me wrong. 

"What? Ayo where am I suppose to go?" She says. 

"I don't know, I don't care. Well talk in the morning. Go." 

Tears come down her face as she opens the door. Teo and Leah stare at her then at me, they look away pretending they didn't know what happen. 

I take a deep breath and shut my door again. I replay everything that happened. I think I over reacted. She's right, we not even together. But I feel bad and hurt at the same time. My heart feels tight and uncomfortable. 

I turn my phone off and go to sleep. Well not really, I start thinking again and I cry. 

What is this girl doing to me? 


DANGGGGG BRUH my own stories always get me in my feelings 😂

unicorn gang 

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