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I'm gonna gonna talk about Jalen a lot (the baby) but just acknowledge that he's alive.

This might be the last chapter idk

Teo's pov

My brother seems he's finally over Azaylea now, he's less tense and doesn't always give me death stares anymore.

But I know we still sometimes feel uncomfortable around each other when she's in the room. But I'm gonna be a bigger man today and confront him. Azaylea is out shopping with key's girlfriend.

"Ayleo I wanna talk." I say walking into his room.

"Yea bro?" He puts his phone down and lowers the volume on his tv.

"Um I don't really know how to start this off but I just don't want us to me mad at each other now, because of her, she shouldn't step in between us."

"Uhh yeah I agree, it's all good though. I know I was the one that messed up, and I need to let her go."

"Thanks man." I hug him and he hugs me back. Then he brings me down and we start wrestling with each other....

Fat ass. I can't breathe.

Azaylea's pov

"Bitchhhh look at him." Liyah says looking at this guy up and down like she's interested.

Wait, that's malak watson, oh no.

Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Keyshawn? Nooooo honey what is she doing?

She goes up to him and I can just tell she's trying to do things with him. I never thought of her as a hoe but I guess she is one. I just leave her at the mall with him. I'm not gonna tell anyone either because it's not my business.

I open the door to my house and it sounds completely silent. I put my bags down in Teo's room, which he's not in.

I walk into Ayo's room and he's watching tv while Teo's on his phone.

"I wanna join the party too!" I say and jump in the bed, which makes both of the groan.

"Oh stop you guys love me." I say chuckling.

Teo goes out the bed and tells me to follow him.

"Bye Ayo." I say and he nods his head back at me.

Teo brings me into his room.

"Everything's good between me and ayleo now." He says and I smile.

"Awe finally I knew you guys couldn't stay mad at each other for long."

"Yeah I guess." He looks down at his lap and I lift his head up, kissing him.

After that, everything was great. Tours were crazy but perfect, Ayo treats me like a bestfriend now, like this dude tells me everything, and some things I just don't wanna know cuz that's nasty.

Me and Teo are doing good.

But key found out his girlfriend was cheating on him...... and liyah denied it, but key found messages and videos so it was over for them.

Key was so sad he spent a week moping in our house.

But I guess he's doing better now.

But this is my life with Ayo and Teo.


Such a bad ending...... but the book is finally done.

Now I'm working on this secret book that I'm not publishing until the whole book is done, which might take a while.

But go check out some of my other books.

Unicorn gang 🦄

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