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Azaylea's pov

Today after the performance I was asked to take pictures with some fans. I didn't even know I had any to be honest.

A girl and a guy come up to me. They look kinda familiar. The eyes of the guy look like someone.

"Hiii can we get a picture of you? And we work for Dj small eyes. We wanted to bring you to an interview." The girl says.

I take a picture with her and we go inside the building for the interview. I didn't tell Ayo and Teo where I was going cuz they looked really busy with their fans.

When I walk up the stairs I have an uneasy feeling. Like something isn't right. I look behind me and the girl and the guy aren't there.

What the hell?

I turn around to be in contact with a fist.


I woke up in pain. I'm chained to a bed.


Someone opens the door.

"Jayden?!" I say surprised.

"You can't  run away from me baby. And Ayo not here to protect you now."

Who's mans??????

"Let me go!" I say.

"Nah ain't gon happen. You see, you is suppose to be mine and Leah is suppose to be with Teo. You've been such a distraction for Teo. He don't even show love to Leah no more cuz of you. We took you away so Leah would be the only woman in his life and I could have you for myself." He says.

I have hella questions. Like how they even know each other? Who's dumbass came up with this plan???

He climbs on top of me. I try to yank my hands but they're tied up.

Omggggg why me?

How's Ayo? I so worried. How long have I been out?

I kick Jayden's balls. He reacts by punching me in the face multiple times and then holding his balls walking out the room. I feel like I'm dying.

Someone help me please.


Ayo's pov

"What the hell you mean we can't find her?! That's my fucking manager and my girlfriend!" I scream at the police.

"Sir I know you're angry but we doing everything we can. I just need you to relax-"

"How the hell you expect me to relax when a person I care about is leaving?!" I tell at him.

"Man just leave." Teo says and pushes him out the door.

This has taken a toll for both me and Teo. I can't believe this happened. She just slipped out my fingers.

I literally saw her a couple days ago and she's not in my arms anymore. I feel heartbroken and angry. She's missing and no one can do anything.

Teo is angry too. We were suppose to protect her and she is suppose to protect us. Clearly we didn't do that.

I haven't seen Leah either. I feel like she has something to do with this.

I need some super spy shit to figure this out. I know she wouldn't just leave me without a reason. She has a reason for everything.

Don't worry baby, I'll find you.


Sorry extra long wait, been forgetting.

Go check out my other books.

Unicorn gang 🦄

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