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Ayo's pov

"Damn bro." Teo says to me while we all look at the DNA test.

The baby's mine.

How'd that even happen?

She told me she was on birth control Bruh, but since I'm gonna be a father now I'm gonna take care of my child.

I called azaylea telling her it was my baby and she said oh and hung up on me. She must be mad at me too. And I think I deserve it cuz Iliana messed us up.

"Baby can I get some food?" Iliana says to me. Fuck she calling me baby for? But I don't care about her I just care about my child, and I plan to fight for full custody after he's born, she's one crazy bitch.

She clings on to my arm and wraps her hand around her stomach. I don't smile at her but I crouch down and put my hands on her stomach.

"Ima take care of you lil boy, don't worry." I whispered.

She spent the whole day at my house and azaylea came home at night with food from the Waffle House.

"Hey y'all I got food!" She says and as soon as she said that Teo comes outta his room rushing to her.

"Boi calm down."

He snaps his neck and turns around.


When she puts the bag on the island Iliana stands up and takes the whole bag to the couch. Azaylea gives a 'bitch wtf' look.

"Why are you here and why do you have my food? That's for everyone to share not including you."

Well damn.

"Bitch I'm pregnant all this shit is mine."

Azaylea doesn't say anything to her and turns around.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck if you pregnant I'd still fuck you up." She mummers to herself.

"Hoe fuck you said?" Iliana says standing up wobbling a little bit.

"I said...bitch I don't give a fuck if you pregnant I'd still fuck you up."

"Try me bitch." Iliana puts her hands up.

This is why she crazy, she know damn well she can't fight with that baby in her she tweaking.

Azaylea walks up so fast to her almost punching her in the face but I grab her and sit her down in my bed. Teo grabs the bag from her and takes out everything, leaving the empty bag to her.

"Let me go bitch." She says to me.

"Come girl don't give me that attitude." I nudged and smirk at her.

She doesn't smile back.

"Well damn you actually mad?" I say.

She gives me a 'are you serious look'.

"She is one crazy bitch and you thought it was ok to bring her to our crib, can't you see that no one likes her expect for you? She's gonna end up using you and I just know she on some sneaky shit. I can tell when I see a sneaky bitch."

Life with Ayo and Teo *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now