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Harris's P.O.V

I know it's bad to be staring but I can't stop, I guess that's the typical boy in me coming out. She runs into the bathroom and locks the door behind her. I shut the door behind me remembering to be quiet. I know her parents are probably asleep.
I walk towards her bed and sit down and sigh. This is exactly what needed to happen.

Anaya's P.O.V

For fucks sake. I rub my eyes as hard as I can, taking my anger and embarrassment out. I groan in frustration, I'm panicking because I literally don't know what to do with myself now. It's my fault for not locking the door I can't really blame him.

I pull my pants on and put my top on. I go to the sink and literally drench my face in water. My face is as red as a flipping tomato.

I tie my hair up in a loose ponytail. I take a deep breath and unlock the door slowly. His back is facing me but when he hears the door he turns around and gives me a crooked smile. I sit down on my bed and he turns to face me.

Okay this is way too awkward, say something Harris.
"I'm sorry" he finally says
"It's fine" I sigh, "I was just embarrassed but I guess I shouldn't be getting changed right opposite the door with my arse facing that way"

He laughs.
"I love how you make every awkward conversation, not awkward"
I smile. He's really adorable.

"Hey, come sleep in my suite tonight" he suggests
"Are you crazy, my parents will flip" I scoff
"We'll tell your brothers to say that you're going to sleep in my suite and tell them to lie for you" he suggests

"I don't know JJ, it's proper risky" I say
"Don't you wanna risk it for me?" He asks pouting
"Oh my god stop it, stop it" I say turning my head the other way
"Stop what?" He asks innocently
"Your stupid pout" I say and he smirks

"Fine, okay fine, but you can use your brain and find a way to not get busted" I say and cross my arms
"Come with me" he says grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door
He opens the door to my brothers's suite.
"Yo, Harris" Uzair says giving him a handshake and saying salaam. He does the same with all my brothers.

"We love you Anaya but why are you here?" Hannan asks cheekily
"We have a favour to ask" Harris says
My brother look at each other and shrug
"Go ahead my brother" Sulaiman says
"Well, since you guys are leaving tomorrow, I wanted to ask if you'd let Anaya sleep over in my suite today" Harris says
"What? No that's not happening" Sulaiman chuckles sarcastically

"But we're just friends, it's not as if like we're gonna do anything" I reason and Sulaiman shakes his head stubbornly
"Wait come here" Hannan ushers the rest of my brothers
I turn to look at Harris and we give each other confused looks. My brothers whisper for a bit and then turn around,
"Fine, we'll help you" Sulaiman says and I smile and run to him and hug him
"What do you want us to do?" Fayzaan asked

"Basically, put a note on your door to your mum and dad saying that you're gonna over sleep cos you came home late and went to sleep late. Then when your mum and dad see it, they'll go back to their suite until you wake up. Before your mum and dad come in, I'll drop Anaya off and it'll look like she slept at yours over night" Harris explains

Okay that's clever.

"Okay" Uzair says and writes the sign
"Thanks" I say and me and Harris walk towards the door
I'm just about to shut the door when Sulaiman calls me back. I peep my head through the space of the door and wall.
"No funny business" Hannan reminds and my brothers laugh and I just scowl, blush and shut the door

I walk into their suite and jump on Harris's bed which I swear is so much comfortable than my own.
"Oh, are you two going to do the dirty?" Naz asks
"Erm, no she's just sleeping over cos she's going back to Bradford tomorrow" Harris says
"You don't have to lie to me you know, and it's perfectly fine to feel horny at this age" Naz laughs

"Oi Naz shut up" Harris seems frustrated and Naz laughs even louder
"HARRIS BROUGHT A GIRL" Naz screams and Adam and Slim come running into Harris's room

"You finally brought Anaya here" Adam laughs
"Are you gonna fuck?" Slim asks making me choke on air
"Oh piss off" Harris says frustratedly, "she's sleeping over because she's leaving tomorrow"

The boys laugh,
"Do your parents know about this Anaya?" Adam asks
"Well, no I haven't told them and they don't need to know because they'll just make a big deal about it like you twats" I say making them laugh at my choice of words
"You'll get caught though" Slim says
"Her brothers are helping, now will you just shut up and leave us alone" Harris says
He's so cute when he's angry

All the boys snap their heads towards me
"What?" I ask
"Is Harris cute when he's angry?" Naz laughs
"Did I say that out loud" I say cringing on the inside
I turn around and put my head in my hands
"We'll go now" Slim says as I turn back around
"USE PROTECTION" Naz screams before shutting the door behind them
I roll my eyes and bounce back onto Harris's bed.

He sits down next to me and he puts his head in my lap.
"So, cute when I'm angry huh?" He teases
"Don't you dare" I laugh
"Okay" he says
"I love your hair, it's so soft and curly" I say twisting a curl around my finger

"I love your face it's so beautiful and easy to stare at" he replies
I laugh to cover up how shy I am,  "My god you are so cheesy"
"But you love it" he says
"Mmm, I tolerate it" I reply lazily
"Oh really?" He asks with a cheeky smile raising his head off of my lap.
I nod my head

He starts tickling me non stop
"Harris! HARRIS! Oh my god stop! It tickles" I say in between laughs
"Say you love it and I'll stop" he says
"I love it" I scream and he stops

"You got some fast fingers there" I say out of breath
He gives me a weird look and I click on a few seconds later
"Okay I didn't mean it like that" I say quickly and he smirks
"Mhmmm" he nods his head knowingly
I yawn,
"I'm tired"
"Let's sleep then" Harris says
I get up and get under the duvet. Harris starts making a wall with spare pillows and I look up at him in confusion

"We promised your brothers" he shrugs
I mentally groan, this doesn't seem like it's going to be comfortable at all
I lay down and face Harris and he does the same and faces me.
"Night Minnie"
"Night Jungy"

The last thing I saw is Harris's adorable smile before I close my eyes.
A few seconds I hear rustling and the pillows that were next to my legs were being moved. Harris threw them on the floor and I felt him move closer to me.

He pulls me slightly so that my head is at his chest and a series of butterflies erupt in my stomach, I think he's shirtless. I snuggle closer to him and he puts his arm around my waist.

Before I fully drift off to sleep I hear Harris whisper something.
"I love you Anaya"

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