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Anaya's P.O.V

"But dad, I'm so young and I haven't even finished college! Besides, these lot haven't got married yet and I'm younger than all of them!" I cry referring to my brothers

"Yes but you're our youngest and you're our precious diamond, we want to find someone for you before everyone else your age starts to get married" my dad explains
"Well by the time I'm married, everyone Sulaiman's age will be married and then he'll have to marry an old woman!" I reply

"Beta try to understand we're doing this for you" my mum says trying to calm me down
"Don't lie! You're doing this for yourself!" I shout
"Ana-" I cut my dad off

"Just go away!" I shout and run upstairs to my room and slam the door shut before jumping on to my bed.

I can't believe they're doing this to me! They wanna get me married when I still trying to get my life together. Why not Sulaiman? He's the oldest and he's got a job! I'm the youngest and I've just about got out of high school. They're trying to get me married to my ex. MY EX!

There's a knock on my door.
"Go away" I mumble loud enough for them to hear me
The door knocks again and I lift my head to see me dad at the door.

"Dad I sa-" he cuts me off
"Beta I was just joking with you, we're not actually going to get you married" my dad says and my eyes widen

"What?!" I ask and hear my brothers laughing
I even see my mum and my dad laughing
"Oh my god! What the hell! You scared me so much!" I cry and my dad hugs me

Harris's P.O.V

It's only been a few hours since I've been shopping with Anaya but I miss her already. Seriously all I can think about is what I would feel like if I'd never met her. Everytime I see her, my day just gets better. She makes me laugh and she makes me smile.

If I had never met her, if she had never entered that naat competition, and if she had never described me and the cute guy she had met, we would never been in this position now.

My phone rings and its Adam.
"Yo" I answer
"Harris!" He answers
"What's up?"
"Nothing man I'm just chilling"
"Are you in New York?"
"Yeah, just finished filming a vlog"
"Ay what's wrong with you man?"

"Harris you have to tell me, I'm one of your bestfriends"
I sigh,
"I think I love Anaya"

"You think?" He asks
"Yeah, I'm not completely sure" I tell him
"I wish I could tell you what you wanted to hear bro, but I've never been in love so you're gonna have to ask Slim" he tells me
"Yeah, I'll call him" I say and hang up

I ring Slim and be picks up on the second ring
"Yo! Harris!" He answers happily
"Slim are you busy?" I ask
"Nah bro, why?" He asks
"Can I ask you a question then?" I ask
"Yeah go on"

"When did you know you were in love with Sofia?" I ask and there's silence on the other end of the line.
"Slim?" I ask
"Are you in love with Anaya?" He asks
"I think so man" I reply

"BRO IF YOU THINK YOU LOVE HER THEN YOU DO!" He shouts suddenly and I jump
"Seriously?" I ask
"Yeah, go tell her bro!" He says happily
"Thanks man" I say smiling
"No problem" he says and hangs up

Let's do this

Anaya's P.O.V

I'm just sat on my bed and I so bored. I don't wanna go to sleep, I don't want to talk to anyone and I don't wanna do anything.

To be honest, I'm only thinking about one person, Harris. He's always on my mind lately and I think I know why. But I don't think I'm ready to admit to it just yet.

My phone rings and my heart jumps. It's Harris.
"Hey" I answer
"Anaya, can you meet me outside your house in ten minutes?" He asks
"Why? Are we going out?" I ask
"Something like that" he says and hangs up

I grab a pair of leggings and take off my shorts. I wrap a black scarf around my head and look in the mirror. Okay not satisfied.

I think I need to wear and abaya but the only one I have is the one Harris gave me. I decide to wear it anyways so I put it on and wear some simple black heels.
The only reason I'm wearing heels is because I'm too short and the abaya is till my feet.

I run downstairs after grabbing my phone. I thank god no one saw me and run out the door. You'll be surprised about what I can do in heels. *insert smirk emoji* haha just joking. Or am I?

I see Harris stood in front of his car and when he looks up he just stares. I walk towards him and snap a finger in front of his face and he jumps.

"I know I got ready in ten minutes but do I look that bad?" I ask and he chuckles
"You're wearing the abaya I bought you" he says surprised
"Yeah so? I like it" I twirl and he smiles

We get in the car and he drives to a nice lake. We sit in silence for a few minutes and then he grabs my hand and takes me outside.

"I need to talk to you" he says after a few seconds
"What is it?" I ask turning to face him
"I hope you don't get awkward after this but I have to tell you" he pauses

"Say it" I encourage him
"I... I love you Minnie" he says and looks straight into my eyes

I blush and look down.
"I love you too Jungy" I say and squeeze his cheeks

His eyes light up and a wide grin grows on his face. He pulls me in for a hug and right in this moment all I know is one thing.

This is all I want right now. Nothing more and nothing less. I'm his and he's mine. Hopefully forever.


Sooooooooo, I'm going on holiday for a week which means I won't be able to update for a few days. I will try and write a little here and there I promise.

Tbh I know I'm a shit writer cause I write a few chapters and then a disappear and then I write a few and then I disappear but I'm trying to be better at this. It could be my New Years resolution actually🤔

Anyways.... By the time I come back, it'll be Eid and then I'll be back at school trying to pass my GCSE's so Ima be busy but I will try and write some too.

^^*only the real ones will know where that's from*👍🏻

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