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Harris's P.O.V

I run over to her side and shake her lightly
"Anaya darling?" I ask her panicking but she doesn't reply
I grab my phone out of pocket and ring the guys and they appear a few minutes later

I pick her up bridal style and I can just feel how lifeless she is. I put her in the back of the car and Adam starts driving towards the hospital
"Bro what happened?" Naz asks

"I don't know! I went upstairs to get changed and when I was done I was just about to go down but I heard her scream and I ran to see what happened and she was on the floor" I panic

"Listen mate she'll be fine" Slim says and I nod even though I'm not completely sure
We pull up at the hospital and I rush out the car with Anaya in my hands desperate for her to get help .

"Someone help!" I shout to no one in particular
Doctors and Nurses run towards me and put Anaya on a bed
They rush her to a room and I follow them

"Can you tell me what happened?" A doctor asks me
"Erm I left her to erm get changed.. and I heard her scream and when I got there she was lying on the floor and she's 8 months pregnant" I say breathlessly

"Sir calm down, we'll do everything we can" he reassures me and ushers me out the room
I watch them through the window as they wire her up and it just makes this all the more real

"Hey what did they say?" I hear Adam ask
"They said they'd do all they can" I say sadly
Naz hugs me and I sigh, I can't even start to imagine how I'd feel if she died

"I'll call your parents" Adam says walking away
I sit down on a chair and put my head in my hands

I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. If I was there I could've brought her here faster. I'm so stupid. I could've stayed in my work clothes for a while longer. I could've waited to order the food when I was downstairs.

"Harris!" I hear my mum shout and I look up
She envelops me in a hug and I actually cry. Tears fall down my cheeks like there's not tomorrow.
"Shhhh beta she'll be okay" my mum comforts

I wipe my tears away and she sits next to me. Yusha and AJ give my a sort of sympathetic nod and I return a grateful nod.
"Harris?" Isla asks sitting in my lap
"Hmmm?" I ask hugging her
"Is Baji Anaya gonna be okay?" She asks sadly and my heart breaks

"She's gonna be perfectly fine" I reassure her kissing her head although I feel as if I'm trying to reassure myself

A few minutes later the doctor walks out the door and my heart jumps out my chest. I stand up and the doctor looks at me
"Mr Jung?" He asks me and I nod my head
"Anaya is fine but she's going into labour and we need you there" he explains and I let out a huge sigh a relief

I follow the doctor into a large room and I rush over to Anaya to hug the life out of her but she screams and I jump back
"Holy shit!" I shout
"She's having contractions, you're gonna have to hold her hands" the midwife says

I nod my head and hold my hand out for her. She grabs hold of it and she screams, squeezing my hand in the process
"Shit Anaya!" I shout shocked at her strength
"Okay darling I'm gonna need you to push when you feel pain" the midwife explains and Anaya nods her head

She screams and pushes, squeezing her hands around mine harder
"Okay thats the head out" the midwife says adjusting her gloves
"Push!" She shouts and Anaya screams
"And again!" She shouts and Anaya screams louder

"Okay honey, this is the last push, make it a big one!" The midwife encourages
Anaya screams as loud as she can and I feel the bones of my hand cracking.

The room fills with cries of a baby and my heart bursts with joy. I cut the umbilical cord and they clean him up for us.
"What would you like to call your beautiful boy?" The midwife asks

"Husnain Jung" I reply squeezing Anaya's hand gently
I sit next to Anaya and place a kiss on her forehead
"Fuck I'm so tired after that" She sighs and I laugh
"Do I look like shit?" She asks and I nod
"Beautiful shit" I add and she shakes her head laughing breathlessly

"Here you go" the nurse says handing Anaya our boy
"Oh he's so cute!" Anaya gasps
"I guess he gets that from you" I wink and she smiles kissing me
"Do you mind?" I ask the nurse handing her my phone and she shakes her head

She takes a few pictures and hands me my phone back and then leaves the room.
"Here" Anaya says handing me Husnain

"He's beautiful" I say barely able to contain the excitement inside me
"I know right look at him" Anaya's eyes are filled with tears as are mine and I smile

I sigh, staring at my son. My son.

I can't belive it. I'm actually lost for words. The feeling when you hold your own child in your hands is unexplainable. But it's the best feeling in the world.

And nothing can beat this moment


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