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Anaya's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open and I adjust my eyes to the light. I look at the time and it's 1 o'clock. I swear I've been wasting my days off. I should be having fun but I'm actually just sleeping all day.

I get out of bed and decide to shower. Once I've showered I dry my hair and straighten it. Then it comes to the time that I have to decide what to wear. Am I really going any where today or am I just staying home?

Oh wait I have something to do.

I get my phone from underneath my pillow and tap on Ali's contact. Believe me, I don't want to do this but I have to.

He picks up after it rings once.
"Anaya!" He says when he picks up
"Hey" I say
"Why're you calling me?" He asks slowly

"I need to talk to you about what happened at prom" I explain
"Oh" he says disappointedly
"Will you meet up with me?" I ask
"Yeah okay" he says
"Oh but you're in Bradford and I'm in London" I say
"I'm in London for a few days with family so I'll meet you in Starbucks?" He asks

"Uh yeah half two" I say before ending the call

I really really don't wanna do this but I have to.
I go over to my wardrobe and look at my clothes. I check the weather and it's quite good for once.

I decide on baby pink peg pants and a white body top
I start on my make up next. I realise I really can't be arsed and I'm just gonna do a light makeup look. I wrap a baby pink hijab around my head like I normally do and then put my glasses on. I really can't be arsed wearing my contacts.

I put my baby pink heels on and take a few selfies. I grab my phone and run downstairs.

"Ami can I have some money?" I ask
"What for?" She asks mixing whatevers in the saucepan.
"I'm going Starbucks" I tell her

She's points to where her purse is and I grab a ten pound note and walk out.
As I reach the little cafe I see that Ali is already.

"Hey" I say and sit down opposite him
"Hey I got you your favourite" he says handing me a warm cup and a cookie

"Oh thanks but you didn't have to, how much was it" I say fumbling around in my pocket trying to find the note
"It's fine, it's on me" He smiles

I smile back and we sit in silence for a few seconds.

"So what did you want to talk about" he asks
"About when you were gonna... erm cry" I say
He looks down to the table nervously.
"It was something else" he says "Nothing about you"

"Oh" I say quietly "Well I'm worried about you, you can tell me"
"Don't give me that bullshit no one actually cares" he snaps and I flinch
"Ali just cos we're not together anymore, it doesn't mean I don't care about you. You were my first crush" I tell him
He slowly lifts his head and looks at me in the eye

He sighs,
"Fine. I'll tell you"

I give him a small smile and he starts.

"The day you left and moved houses, I went home and the door wasn't open. I rang my mum but she wasn't picking up. I rang my dad but he wasn't picking up. I had no one else to call. So I went to the park. I was sat on the swings and my phone started ringing and I checked who it was and it was my dad" he pauses

"Ali if this is a bullshit story I don't wanna hear it" I say getting bored already
"No please listen I need to tell someone" he pleads

He actually looks helpless. I don't know what else to do.
I sigh, "fine" and he gives me a grateful smile

"I picked it up and I was getting ready to flip cos I was literally sat in the park like a beggar" he carries on

I see his eyes are red and his bottom lips quivering. I don't know why I did what I did but I grabbed his hand and put it in mine. He looked up at me with sad eyes. I give him a reassuring smile and he starts telling his story again.

"So I said hello and all that but my dad never answered... it was mum and she was... crying" he stops and a tear rolls down his cheek

My heart breaks for him. Seeing him like this just isn't what I wanted to see. I squeeze his hand and he resumes telling the story.

"I asked her why she was crying and she was saying something about my dad, hospital and coming quick, so I hung up and ran. I didn't stop till I got to the hospital. I asked for my dad and they pointed me towards the door" he stops and takes a breath

"You don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want" I tell him
It's clearly hard for him and I don't want to put him through it all.

"No I need to tell someone" he says shaking his head
I nod my head and he carries on.

"I ran over and saw my mum stood there crying. She was saying something about dad and blood out of his mouth and obviously I understood her. We waited for a few minutes and mum couldn't stop crying. I wanted someone there for me because I wanted to cry. I wanted... you there. When the doctor came out he gave us an apologetic look" he stops and his tears fall out like there's no tomorrow

I sigh, I feel so bad for him even though I don't know what's wrong with his dad.
He wipes his tears away and looks at me.

"Anaya my dad has... cancer" his voice echoes in my head


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