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A month later

Anaya's P.O.V

"Oh thank god" I say as we walk out of school sighing
"We've finally finished all our exams!" Ayesha screams
"Let's go out!" Alina suggests
"Yeah let's go for a meal!" Halima says excitedly
"Nooooo" I whinge, "let's stay in and get pizza"

"You're always inside you need to get out some time" Ayesha says and I huff
I'm always outside. I think. Okay I'm not but there's nothing wrong with that.
"Fine we'll go out" I say defeatedly
"We can go to that new posh restaurant!" Rukayah says
They all cheer and I join half heartedly

I just wanna stay at home. I haven't seen my Jungy in ages. We've been FaceTiming everyday but as bad as it sounds (cause I have a boyfriend) I crave his hugs.

I guess you could say I'm happy with Ali. My brothers eventually warmed up to him but they still seem a bit off with him. And I'm not gonna lie, he's been ignoring me recently.

Maybe it's about time I enjoyed myself actually
"My brother will pick you all up at five o'clock" I say before we all go out separate ways

I get to my house and my mum smiles at me,
"I've finished school!" I cheer and she hugs me
"Inshallah you'll have done good in your exams" she says kissing my forehead
"Ami I'm gonna go out at five so I need one of them to drive me" I say referring to my brothers
"Fayzaan's upstairs in his room, ask him" she says before sitting down to watch T.V again

I walk upstairs and knock on his door. I walk in and see him sat on his bed listening to music

"Ayyyyyy there's my little high school graduate" he says and I jump on to his bed and he hugs me
"In so freaking glad it's over" I say
"I was the same" he laughed, "what's up?"
"I need you to drive me and my friends to some restaurant" I say
"Why can't you just stay in and order pizza, you love that?" He asks
"Oh my god I said that and they started crying and they were like you're always say inside go out for once" I say mimicking my friends

"They're right about that though" he laughs
"Oi you're supposed to be on my side" I say pinching his arm
"Okay I'll take you" he says, "what time?"
"At five" I tell him and he nods his head
"You've got three hours to have a bath and sort your manky clothes out" he jokes

"I have a better wardrobe than you relax" I sass before walking out
"Anaya!" My mum shouts from downstairs
"Yeah?" I ask
"Come down a minute and call Fayzaan too" she shouts
"Oi Fez! Mum wants us downstairs" I shout at him before running down the stairs
We sit down on the sofa and mum sits opposite us.

"Your dad and I have realised that our house is too small, we have no space and there's a lot of us" my mum says
"So shall I leave?" I ask jokingly and she rolls her eyes
"We're gonna be moving houses" my mum says
"Wait, how far away are we moving?" I ask
"Quite far" my mum says, "but that's all you need to know"
"Okay that's fine it doesn't bother me" Fayzaan says getting up and going back to his room
"Mum what if I can't make friends?" I ask

"You'll be able to, don't worry" she says patting my head
I sigh and get up and walk towards my room. I could really do with some talking to Harris right now.
Actually, I'm gonna call Ali. I haven't spoken to him for a long time. It's been about a week and he just came for his exams and then went back home

I ring and he picks up on the second ring.
"Hey babe" I hear him speak
"Hey I need to talk to you" I say
"Okay go on" he says
"We're gonna be moving houses soon" I say
"Oh" is all he can think of saying?
"Yeah and I just wanted to know if we were gonna be alright?" I ask
"Babe, we'll be fine trust me" he assures me
"Really?" I ask
"Yeah really"
"I need to ask something else" I say
"What's that?" He asks
"Where have you been all this time? I haven't spoken to you in a week" I state

He lets out a huge sigh,
"Babe I've been busy okay?" He says
"You could've told me you were okay, I thought something had happened to you" I reply
"Nothing's happened to me so stop butting into my business" he says a little harshly
"It's like that now is it?" I ask, "fine"

I hang up and throw my phone on my bed. What's happened to him? Did I do something wrong? You know what? I'm not gonna let some idiot who also happens to be my boyfriend ruin one of the best days of my life. He can go piss off because I don't care.

I take my clothes off and have a bath. I wash all my hair and then jump out of the bath. Then I have to decide what to wear which is always the hardest part.

I decided on a pair of black leather pants and a blush pink peplum blouse. I dried my hair and straightened it before doing my make up. I wrapped a black hijab around my head and put on my back heels. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. Five to five? It took me that long?



"Thanks for dropping us off and I'll text you when we're ready" I say as we get out the car
"Don't piss about" Fayzaan warns before driving off

We walk into the restaurant and a certain couple catch my eye and my mind casts back to Ali. He was so unnecessarily rude to me and if he wasn't, that could have been us sat on a table. Come to think of it we've literally never been on a date.
The guy at the table turns his head slightly and I get a glimpse of his face and I feel my blood boil at the same time as my heart depletes.


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