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Anaya's P.O.V

I hear laughing so I get up and grab my head. I fell so bad it hurts my head. I open my eyes and adjust them to see who it is. I scream again.

"Hey Minnie" he smiles
"JUNGY" I scream and jump on to him and hug him
We stay like that for a few minutes. I'm not gonna lie I've missed this. I've missed his hugs.

"Ahem" I hear someone clear their throat
I snap my head towards where the noise is coming from
"Oh my god! Guys!" I say running over to hug them
"We get you missed your boyfriend but what about us innit?" Adam laughs

"You said you wouldn't forget about us" Naz pouts
"She forgot you two but she didn't forget me" Slim says and I laugh
"I've missed you so much" I say to all three of them
"We missed you too" Adam says smiling

They walk over to the crate and start folding it up to make it easier to move
"I missed you so much Jungy" I say walking back over to Harris
"Minnie I was going mental not seeing you, I had to come and when I realised you'd moved to London I came as soon as I could" he replies

"Wait, London?" I ask and he nods
Oh, that's why they kept it a secret

I take my phone out and take a picture of Harris on snapchat. I caption it saying, 'Only he would send me a huge crate😂💘' and post it on my story
"How far away do you live from here?" I ask him
"Next door actually" he says smiling
I squeal and hug him
"I've missed you so much"

I let go of him and take a look at his face. I've missed his hazel eyes. I've missed his curly hair. I've missed his cute smile. I've missed his adorable dimple. I've missed him.
"So, what shall we do today?" He asks
"I don't know, I was just gonna go get a coffee from Starbucks, wanna come?" I ask and he nods

"Guys we're going Starbucks come on!" I shout and they follow behind me as I walk into the house
"Oh hello Harris" mum says in fake surprise
"You don't have to fake it mum I know you knew" I say and her smile drops
"Oh" she says and I laugh slightly

The boys hug my brothers and give salaam to my dad and then we walk out.
"So what've you been up to?" Adam asks
"Oh not a lot, I've just finished my GCSE's and I've moved here" I say
"Have you got your results yet?" He asks and I shake my head

"Sometime in August" I say and he nods
"Oi Anaya I have a bone to pick with you" slim says and look over to him
"What? Why?" I ask
"You had my number but you didn't call me once"


"I was gonna I swear but I was so busy with my exams innit" I lie
"Well you had time to catchup with Harris, everyday" he says emphasising the end
"Okay fine! To be honest I kinda forgot I had your number" I say and he looks at me
"How can you forget you have someone's number? How does that even happen?" He asks

"I don't know but I promise I'll call you next time" I say and he smiles in satisfaction
We arrive at Starbucks and we find a booth.  After we've decided what we want, Harris gets up to order them.

"So, you missed Harris eh?" Naz asks
"Yeah" I say slowly nodding
"So you like him?" Slim asks
"Just cos I missed him, it doesn't mean I like him" I lie
"You don't have to lie to us" Adam says and I sigh
"Even if I did like him, it's not as if we can go out because I have a boyfr-" I stop

Tears threaten to spill out. Just thinking about Ali makes me want to cry. I'm sat with the guys who gave me such an experience and now I'm gonna cry in front of them.

"Anaya?" Adam asks
I sniffle and look up
"Mmm?" I ask
"Are you crying?" He asks
"No" I shake my head and I tear slip out

I quickly wipe it away but I'm not fast enough because Harris is back. He takes one look at me and his face turns angry
"What happened to her?" He asks through gritted teeth
"It's nothing Harris sit down" I say and he sits down next to me
"You wouldn't be crying if it was nothing" he says

I don't want to tell them I've broken up with Ali. I told Harris the day Ali asked me out that we really did like each other a lot.
If I tell him I'm basically proving myself wrong.
"Anaya tell us" Naz says softly
"Yeah tell us who has to die today" Slim says and I laugh slightly
"Promise you won't think it's pathetic?" I ask and they all promise

"On the day I was gonna move houses Ali called me and said he wanted to meet up, when I went to him he told me he wanted to break up with me" I say and Harris grabs my hand and squeezes it

"I know it's stupid because he cheated on me as well but I do miss him already and now I have no-one to go to prom with, I'll be all alone" I say and a tear threatens to spill out
"I have an idea" Naz says
I look up at him and he smirks
"What?" Adam asks

"Harris should take Anaya to her prom" he smirks and so do Slim and Adam


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