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Anaya's P.O.V

It's been a week since I've spoken to Harris. A WEEK! And I'm dying. I miss him so much but he really pissed me off. Not to mention hurt me too.
He made me cry and I never thought he'd ever make my cry. That's what makes it hurt more. The fact that I never expected it from him. I honestly believed he was different and he hasn't even tried to apologise.

My phone rings for the billionth time today. It's Sunday afternoon and I've been in my room pretty much all week actually. I literally have no energy to do anything. I don't really want to do anything either.

I ignore my phone and go back to watching Spencer and Toby getting waaaaaay too steamy. I sigh and pout, I wish I could have a relationship as strong as theirs. They've been through so much and they're still together.

My phone rings again and I swear to myself. I dig though all the ice cream, chocolate and crisps and grab my phone. I look at the I.D. and slightly smile

It's my girls and that's the only reason why I'm going to answer.

"Hi" I say feebly
"Giiiiiirl what's wrong with you?" Ayesha asks
"I... uh... have a cold" I lie

She gives me a look and I sigh
"Me and Harris got into a fight" I say
"What happened?" Halima asks

I sigh,


"...And then I slammed the door and ran inside" I finish

"Daaaaaamn" Rukayah says with wide eyes and I nod my head slowly
"Well have you spoken since then?" Alina asks
"Obviously not that's why she's sat like a depressed kitten watching Pretty Little Liars!" Ayesha says in a duh tone
"Kitten?" I ask
"Yeah a kitten! How do you get to look cute even when you're stuffing your fat ass with junk!" She pouts and I smile

They really know how to cheer me up
"Okay listen guys I have to go, I'll speak with you soon" I say and hang up before they can tell me no

I sigh and throw my head back on my pillow. What is my life?


I wake up and feel the light on my eyes. It's already Monday morning? Okay wow I slept for a long time

My phone starts ringing again and it's Ayesha.
"Hey" I answer groggily
"Ugh don't say you're not well" Ayesha says
"No I'm fine, I just woke up so that's why I sound like a pig on weed" I say and she laughs
"I proper miss you" she tells me and I smile sadly
"I miss you too" I tell her

"Listen, me and the girls are coming over to visit you so we'll see you in Starbucks?" She asked
"I don't wanna get out the house, just come to my house" I whinge
"I don't think so, you have two hours to get ready" she orders and hangs up

Great! I throw my phone on my bed and snuggle into my covers. I should really get up.

I drag myself out of bed and get into the shower. I get out and dry my body and rub some lotion on it. I swear my skin is the driest thing ever.

I grab some blue skinny jeans and a white sleeveless top. I do a simple makeup look with brown eyes and brown lips. I wrap a blue hijab around my head like I normally do and then put my grey contacts in. I slip my tan heels on and grab my tan summer jacket. I grab my phone to check the time and I should've been in Starbucks five minutes ago

I text Ayesha and tell her that I'm gonna be ten minutes late. I spray some perfume and run downstairs.

"Mum I need money, the girls are here and they're waiting in Starbucks for me" I say as I walk into the kitchen

"Ask Hannan for some, I need to take some money out yet" she says
I walk into the living room and give a sweet smile to Hannan

He gives me a questioning look.
"I need money" I say and he just stares at me
"Please" I add on

He gets his wallet out and passes me three £10 notes. I thank him and make my way out the door.

Ayesha's P.O.V

"Do you get it now?" I ask Halima frustratedly
"I got it ten years ago I just don't understand why you wanna do it" she says and I sigh

"We're doing this for Anaya" Rukayah says and I thank her silently

The door opens and Anaya walks in.

Anaya's P.O.V

The girls get up and run to me, squashing me into a hug.

"Okay, can't breathe" I force out
They let go and Alina pouts

"What?" I ask
"Where's all your flab?" She asks and take a deep breath
"It's all here" I say patting my non existent belly

"Stop fucking starving yourself you little shit" Ayesha says and slaps me lightly
"Fine" I say and go to order my coffee

We sit and chat for a few minutes until Halima starts jumping up and down with an idea

"Let's go shopping!" She squeals and I sigh
"Don't really want to, I was hoping you would come over to my house to chill" I tell them and they frown

"We're going!" Rukayah orders and I sigh as they drag me out the cafe

We reach the town centre and a stage that isn't normally in the middle of the centre catches my eye

"What the hell is that?" I ask and they shrug
"Let's go see!" Alina says way too enthusiastically

As we get closer my heart stops and my eyes lock with his and I fell them tear up


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