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Anaya's P.O.V

I don't understand why I feel surprised. I mean I shouldn't be should I? This is his school and it's his prom. He has as much right as I have. But did he have to bring her?

I turn my head back towards the rest of them.
"Are you okay?" Halima asks and I nod my head slowly
"They did tell you not to look" Slim shrugs

I scoff and get up and walk towards the toilets. I hear them all start bickering as I walk away.
I know I might be making a big deal out of it but I can't just ignore them. I mean that's my ex-boyfriend with another girl. Not exactly what I want to see on prom.

I wash my hands and touch up my makeup and then walked outside. I get stopped by someone.

I turn back to see who it is and my heart starts beating faster.
"What?!" I ask harshly
"Anaya please I need to speak to you" he says desperately
"Well I don't, it's prom and I don't want some ungrateful, selfish bastard to ruin this day for me now let go" I demand

"I'm not let ignore go until you agree to talk to me" He says
"Let go" I demand
"No" he says and his voice breaks at the end

Why would his voice break
"Ali?" I ask softly
He looks at me and his eyes are red
"Oh my God what happened?" I ask
"So you care now?" He scoffs, "fuck it"

He let's go of my hand and I watch him walk away. What was that? But the main question is, do I really wanna know?

I walk back to my table shortly and Harris smiles at me.
"Hey" he says
"Are you feeling okay?" He asks
"Yeah I'm fine I just needed to freshen up" I tell him

"Okay so if you haven't already voted for your prom King and Queen you need to do that now" Mr James speaks
"Have you guys done it?" I ask the girls and they all nod
"I'm just gonna go vote" I tell them

I walk over to the table and get a tablet.
I look at the nominees for the prom King and see Harris' name? He doesn't even go to this school though.

I put a cross next to his name because I wish he wins. It's probably unlikely but I can still vote.

I look at the nominees for prom Queen and see my name? Who nominated me? Well I can't vote for myself. That's just wrong and I'll probably be the only vote for me. I put the cross next to any name and submit it.

As I'm putting the tablet down Mr James starts speaking again

"Okay guys we have a surprise for you! We have a student in this hall that has the voice of an angel and she's been voted to perform today. Come up Anaya!" He shouts

Everyone turns to me and I look towards Harris. He's smiling and clapping like everyone else. I bet it was them.

I slowly walk towards stage and grab the mic.
"I don't know what to sing" I whisper you Mr James
"Sing anything" he says and walks off the stage

I walk over to out 'D.J' and tell her to play the song

I take a deep breath, take one last look at Harris and start singing

"I can swear
I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink
If I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you'll see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
Cos I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm more than just picture
I'm a daughter and a sister
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than rumour
Or a song on your computer
There's more to me than people know

Some days I'm broke
Some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice
Some days I can be a bitch

Some days I'm strong
Some days I quit
I don't let it show but I've been through some shit

I can swear
I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink
If I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you'll see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
Cos I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm more than just a number
I'm a hater I'm a lover
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a title
Or a comic going viral
There's more to me than people know

Some days I'm broke
Some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice
Some days I can be a bitch

Some days I'm strong
Some days I quit
I don't let it show but I've been through some shit

I can swear
I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink
If I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you'll see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
Cos I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm not just a pretty girl yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
No I'm not just a pretty girl

I can swear
I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink
If I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you'll see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
Cos I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm not just a pretty girl yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
No I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm not just a pretty girl"

I finish and everyone starts clapping. I smile and hand my mic back to Mr James and go back to my seat.
"I know it was you Harris" I say and he grins

"Okay! It's time for the announcement of prom King and Queen" Mr James shouts

He looks at the tablet and smiles.

I look over at Ali and see him staring at me. I shuffle uncomfortably and turn my attention back to Mr James.

"You're 2017 Prom King is..."


Literally so proud I got two chapters done! Hope you like them xx

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