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Anaya's P.O.V

I look at my outfit for the last time. I was wearing a grey midi length dress and I decided to leave it without tights because it was just family that were gonna come. My makeup was a kind of burgundy look because it matched well with the grey. I had done a loose fishtail plait

"Harris put Husnain away and get changed!" I shout from the other room
"I love him too much, I can't" he fake cries as I walk into the room
"Well everyone's gonna be here in half an hour and you're not gonna greet them in your nighties" I say rolling my eyes

"Hello baby" I say in a baby voice picking Husnain up and he smiles in response
"Oh my heart" I swoon clutching my chest with my free hand
"Fine I'll get changed" he says

He walks towards the wardrobe and I go downstairs
The party was going to be in the living room and it was decorated with banners and balloons

A few minutes later Harris comes running down the stairs.
"Where's my baby?" He asks
"I'm here" I say popping my head out the kitchen
"Not you, my actual baby" he says and I roll my eyes
"Wow" I say sarcastically

"You look amazing by the way" he says grabbing my waist
"That's not gonna make up for what you just said" I pout
"I'm sorry Minnie" he apologises
"I'm sorry too Jungy" I say nodding my head, "I'm sorry that you've lost the love you once had for me"

"Oh come on! I could never stop loving you" he smiles cheesily but I shrug my shoulders jokingly
"Minnie?" He whispers in my head
"Mmmm?" I hum
"You've lost all the baby weight" he whispers and I laugh

"You've got my love back darling" I say pinching his cheeks and kissing him
"Yo I'm all for another niece or nephew but I don't wanna witness the process" I hear Yusha comment and I jump out of Harris's arms

I look up to see my whole family and Harris's whole family watching us with an amused expression on their face. I blush and cover my face with my hands
"Where's the new mother?!" I hear someone shout and my eyes light up

"FEZZY!" I shout running to him
"Hey Naya" he smiles kissing my head
"I missed you so much" I say
"Missed you too" he smiles
"Where's my nieces?" I ask
"Anaya!" I hear Amina shout
"Amina!" I shout hugging her
"Pupo!" I hear two adorable voices
"Ramisha! Farwa!" I say bending down to hug them both

"Where's your baby?" Farwa the younger one asks
"He's with your grandma" I say pointing towards my mum and they both run to go see my baby

My baby

In love with them two words to be honest

"Hey!" I hear my other three brothers say walking in with their wives
"HIIIIII!" I scream jumping on them and hugging them tight

"Ugh we missed your gorilla hugs" Sulaiman says and I laugh
"I missed your gorilla faces" I say stroking their not so hairless faces any more

"Mashallah my sister in laws have encouraged my brothers to grow beards" I say surprised
"Yeah it was my choice" Hannan says and I shake my head
"Well I wouldn't say that" I hear Aaliyah say and she hugs me
"Anaya!" She squeals
"Aaliyah!" I squeal back and I feel two other people join into the hug

It was Safaa and Iqra
"Oh my god guys!" I squeal
"You lot are like mice" Uzair complains
"Shut up I haven't seen them in ages!" I argue
"You haven't seen me in ages" he shrugs

I laugh and jump on him.
"That's better" he kisses my head
"Erm where's your kids?" I ask raising my brow
"Dad tell Ali off he's hitting me with balloons!" I hear Humaira say running up to Sulaiman

He picks Humaira up and kisses her head
"Ali leave her alone" he says sternly
"Sorry dad" he says and runs away to play with Uzair's son Waqas

"Hello Humaira" I say ruffling her hair
"Pupo Naya" she says happily and I laugh
"How are you" I say hugging her
"Good" she replies in a baby voice

"Pupo!" I hear someone scream and I look down to see Hannan's daughter Sana
"Sana!" I gasp picking her up
"I missed you" she says putting her hands around my neck and hugging me
"I missed you too darling!" I reply

"Yo Anaya man where's the food? I'm bare hungry" AJ shouts and I roll my eyes
The kids run off to play with each other and the parents start walking around our new home.

We all sit down at the table and I pour everyone a glass of Pepsi and then sit down myself
"So Anaya, how's the mother life?" Hannan asks
"I love it" I smile and Harris grabs my hand from underneath the table
"How good of a dad is Harris?" Iqra asks

"He's literally obsessed with Husnain, he never lets go of him" I laugh
I look over at Harris and he's blushing
"You're blushing" I whisper
"Is it obvious?" He asks
"Half of London can see your rosy cheeks love, it's quite noticeable" I whisper back and he hangs his head and smiles

"It's cute though" I add and kiss him on the cheek
I turn back to everyone else and luckily no one saw it. Except Yusha cause I look at him and he winks at me and sends me an air kiss and I roll my eyes at his childish behaviour

"Okay food time" I say getting up and going to the kitchen
I grab the plate of kebabs and samosas and take them inside. Then the plates of salad and rice

We all eat and then the parents and kids eat. Once everyone's ate they leave.
"Oh I swear to god I'm so tired" I sigh once they've all gone
"Me too" Harris replies

"Why are you tired, you didn't do anything" I argue
"That's true, gimme the brush I'll clean up for you" he says getting up off the sofa
"Can we just leave that till tomorrow, I wanna cuddle" I ask holding onto his leg

"Fine" he says and I smile
We turn the lights off and I pick Husnain up and we go upstairs

Once we're both comfortable, we both sit in bed and i turn the laptop on while Harris puts Husnain in his lap
I lean into him and we fall asleep like that watching Netflix

Fully appreciating my life right now

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