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Anaya's P.O.V

Today is the nikkah. Today's the day me and Harris make it official. But most importantly today's the day I get to see my Jungy after two months.

"Girl you look amazing" Ayesha says as my mates walk in through the door of the hall
I look at myself in the mirror. My red and gold dress, my amazing makeup, the heels, everything.

It's all so amazing and I can't believe that this is it. This is my last few moments as a single woman.

I take a deep breath and then follow my friends to the room where I'm going to get my nikkah done.


"Kabool hai" I reply for the third time and the room erupts with loud cheers and mubaraks from every corner of the room.

I can literally feel Harris's presence next to me but we're separated by a cloth.
Before I can even peak through to get just a glimpse of his face, I get whisked away to freshen up before the ceremony starts.

Harris's P.O.V

I'm a married man. I'm a married man at the age of 20
"Bro how does it feel?!" Naz screams as the boys walk in through the door

"Man you got married before all of us!" Adam says
"It feels good but weird at the same time" I reply honestly
"Why would it feel weird? You're getting married to the woman you love" Slim comments

"I know but it just feels weird that I'm one of the few people to get married to the one they love. Most Pakistanis get an arranged marriage" I explain and they nod

"Right come on Harris, we need you on stage now!" My mum comes in shouting
I sigh and get up,
"See you later then boys" I say and then walk out the room

I'm literally preparing myself to see Anaya. It feels so weird that I haven't seen her for two months.

Anaya's P.O.V

"Are you ready?" My dad asks and I nod my head
I can hear my favourite song, Channa Mereya playing. As soon as the chorus starts, the doors open and I start walking down the aisle with my dad

Everyone's eyes turn towards me but my eyes are only on Harris. My heart jumps when I see him make eye contact with me. He looks so stunning.

It's like I'm falling in love with him all over again. And it feels amazing.

We get to the front and Harris hold out his hand and I let go of my dad and take his hand. He helps me up to the stage and I stand opposite him. The song still playing, me and Harris starting into each other's eyes.

I swear there is no moment better than this. Standing in front of the man you love on your wedding day.

"You look beautiful" he whispers and I blush
"So do you" I smile and be chuckles
"I always knew I was a beautiful boy" he replies and I smile
"I missed you" I tell him
"I missed you to Minnie" he replies and kissed me forehead

His lips linger for a while and then the song stops.


I'm literally dying here. I've been sat in this same seat for hours but the fact I have my JJ beside me is making it somewhat bearable.

The music finishes from the last dance and I sigh. Finally!
"Okay everyone! Give it up for the bride and groom!" The DJ screams and everyone cheers

Everyone slowly starts leaving after congratulating us. Once all the guests have left, both our families stand together and we take a picture.

We take a few selfies and then my mum helps me up and my sister in laws take me to the back room.

I sit down in the chair and sigh. I'm married now and there's no going back.
The door opens to reveal Harris. I smile getting up from my chair to hug him

"I missed you" he whispers into my head and then kisses it
We pull away and he stares into my eyes.
"What?" I ask, "is there something on my face?"

"No... You're just... Beautiful" he replies and I blush
He leans in slowly and my heart beat quickens.
He looks down at my lips and then back up at my eyes.

Our lips connect and an unfamiliar feeling rushes through me. He holds my face and tilts his head to deepen the kiss.

Suddenly the door opens and we jump apart
"Uh we're going now" Adam clears his throat and I nod my head

"Dude, you're erm..." He stops and points at his lips
Harris turns to me confused and I blush when I see what Adams on about

"You're lips... They have lipstick on them" I tell him
Harris wipes his lips and smirks and I just blush


"Anaya darling, I hope you feel comfortable here" Harris's mum says
"Thank you auntie I will" I reply smiling
"Call me mum, beti" she smiles and walks out

Me and Harris decided to live at Harris's house until we have jobs and have the money to buy a house. Right now, I've been told I'm sleeping in Harris's room, in his bed.

To be honest I've waited for this since forever. I get into my nighties and take off my makeup. I climb into bed and snuggle up to Harris.

"Goodnight Minnie" he whispers
But by then, I'm already asleep


OMD okay so I know this chapter was quite boring but I swear the next chapter will be good.

I had a physics exam today and had pictures taken today. Seriously so fucking stressful!!

Anyways I'm so sorry I posted a day late😬. But comment if you liked it, comment if you didn't like it😕BUT FANKS FOR READING IT


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