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Anaya's P.O.V

"Do you like them?" He asks
"I love them!" I tell him and he smiles
"Well try them on, I need to know that they fit" he says

I take off my shoes and slip my new Louboutins on. They're a perfect fit.
"I love them" I squeal
I jump on him and give him a tight hug

Once I let go I sit back in my seat.
"What's wrong?" He asks when he realises I'm not as happy as I was before
"It's just, you have to stop buying me so much gifts" I tell him
"I haven't even bought you that much" he says

I give him a look,
"Yet" he adds on and I roll my eyes
"You've bought me a ring that costs more than my whole outfit and you've bought me heels that cost more than my whole wardrobe!" I say

"It's not the gifts is it? It's the money I'm using?" He asks and I nod my head
"You can't be using all this on me" I tell him
"Well who else will I use it on?" He asks
"You could save it, what about your future family?" I ask

He looks at me and then goes quiet.
"What?" I ask
"Nothing" he says shaking his head
"Tell me"
He shakes his head
"Tell meeee" I press
He looks me dead in the eye, "You are my future family, you're the only one I want to spend money on"
I feel my heart swelling and I stick out my bottom lip making him chuckle

"Okay but promise you won't spend any more silly money?" I ask and he just shakes his head
"Harriiiiiiis!" I whine
"Okay fine but I can carry on buying you presents if I want to" he says and I sigh

"Will you ever listen to me?" I ask and he shakes his head and starts laughing and I smile
"Why're you smiling?" He asks
"Just" I shrug
"Tell my why" he says

"It's just that when I was younger, I always dreamt of having a boy bestfriend and now I do" I tell him
"Well I'm more than just a bestfriend" he says
"Yeah, you're my boyfriend and my bestfriend" I say and he smiles

I give him another hug before sitting down into my seat.
"Shall we go home?" He asks and I nod my head
We reach home and I say goodbye to Harris before going into my own house.

"I'M HOME!" I shout and everyone comes running into the corridor
"How many?" Hannan asks
I was just about to tell them the truth but then I thought, where's the fun in that?

"Ahem, uh... two" I say slowly
"Oh my god" I hear my mum whisper
I fake tears and they start pouring out

My dad walks up to me and hugs me,
"It'll be okay, you can do your resits and you can still get a good job, it'll be okay" my dad says as he strokes my head

"How can you tell me it'll be okay when you've been obsessing about my grades ever since year 10!" I shout pushing away from my dad

Oh god I feel so bad

They all sigh, I walk into the living room and they all follow. We all sit down and my dad puts his hand on my leg.

"Show me your results paper" my dad says
"You don't need to see it, all you need to see is the failure of a daughter that is sat right next to you" I say
My dad sighs
"Show it to me, let me see what you erm... failed in" Fayzaan says
"I failed in everything" I say harshly
"Just sho-" I cut Sulaiman off
"There's nothing to see!" I shout
They all go quiet and I swear I saw my mum flinch.

Okay I've gone far enough
"EXCEPT THAT I SO TOTALLY PASSED" I shout and throw my results paper at Fayzaan
He looks at my paper and then me and then back to the paper
"She got nine GCSE's" Fayzaan says defeatedly

"That was good, you got us good" Hannan says laughing
"Was that another compliment?" I ask and he rolls his eyes
"Why did you lie?" My mum asks and I laugh at how shocked she still is

I walk over and hug her,
"Sorry for lying"
She hugs me back and I smile

"Go upstairs and get changed, we're going out for a meal" Sulaiman says and I get up
"Wear a dress" my mum says as I walk up the stairs

I look through my wardrobe and find a cute dress. I decide to keep my makeup on because my dress is white so I wanted the burgundy to colour it up a bit.
I put on my dress and put some tights on. I tidy up my scarf a little and spray some perfume. I grab my phone and make my way downstairs

We get to the restaurant and my family start walking to a massive table full of people. It's only later when I realise it's my friends!

I sit down and all our families spend the night talking, laughing and just having a good time.
I try and make the most of it because I realise this could be the last time I see them for a long time.

We'll probably all be busy with college and then uni. Who knows if we'll even stay bestfriends?

This is it. It could be the last night I spend with them. High schools over and this is where life really starts and I don't know if I'm ready for it...

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