Author's Note

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Let me just start off by saying thank you. Thank you for taking the time and opportunity to check out this story that I have worked on so hard and long for. It really means a lot for readers to read this, but it would mean more if you actually hit the star on the bottom and left a nice comment for me to check out. I promise that I do read them, sometimes a little too late, but I read them.

Also, I wrote this to warn you people of what this story contains. I know some of you KNOW that this is a mature story, but will still feel the need to leave comments discouraging the violence, sex, language, or any other graphic depictions that I will write. Guys, please, you know what mature means, so if you don't like it, don't read it, but you will like it, so I'm not worrying too much. :) But yes, there will be "f bombs" and really descriptive writings of sex scenes, and talking of drugs, guns, and violence. (Don't do drugs kids!) You have been warned.

Leading onto the comments, yes, I do take the time to read them because I love reading what you guys think of my story, whether you are criticizing or encouraging my story, I still enjoy reading it. If you guys see a mistake I didn't spot, or if you have a question or didn't like something and have a better idea for it, then yes, please leave a KIND comment about it. There is really no need to write a sentence containing hate on my story. I will also not tolerate readers going at it in my commentary sections. If I see any comments about hate, racism, violence, or any unnecessary rudeness, I will take it down. Yes, I can do that. Please just be kind, the world needs more of it.

Last topic, rights. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. That means that no reproduction of any sort will be made of this story. You cannot take a chapter with the same idea or theme and then change a couple of words, and then call it your own, that's wrong and called plagiarism. Also, I get that there are many stories on this app and many of them can circle around the same idea, but I promise you that I would not give you guys a speech about plagiarism and then go and do it myself. Like I said, it's wrong and people work hard at what they write about because trust me, its not easy. So, if there is a character or scene or anything that may resemble another story, I can assure you that it was purely coincidental.

Alright, I'm finished, so thank you to the ones that actually finished reading this. I know it's not fun, so I promise that I will only write author's notes when it's important. Now, you can wait another week until I post another chapter of the story. I will post every Monday, just to make those days a bit better, and Friday's, so stay tuned! BYE!

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