Chapter 8

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I could feel the harsh sunlight directly on my face, making it impossible to go back to sleep. I moved over to my side and threw my arm across my face when I felt soreness on my lower half. I frowned, what happened?

I removed my arm and looked down my myself to see my naked body. I was under the cover's, but I suddenly felt everything. The soreness between my legs, the hickey on my neck that had my blood pounding, the bruises on my hips from Carson's hands that had gripped me from the night before.

Oh my goodness, the night before!

I blushed thinking of everything. I looked over to the side of the bed and saw that my dress as well as my undergarments were still there. Carson was out of the room, the spot beside me now cold. Where had he gone off to?

He usually always left before I was awake. Sometimes, I would hear the bedroom door shutting as he left, but never when he got off the bed. He was always up and about early in the mornings and never rested until late at nights. I guess being the most intimidating mafia boss carried it's job. I was always being watched over by Linia or Silvano, and I never minded, but today was different. I had just slept with Carson. I wasn't sure if I wanted things to change, but I also wasn't expecting him to be the same.

I ignored my wandering mind and pushed myself off the bed. I wasn't going to say anything. If Carson wanted to talk about it, then fine, we would talk about it, but if not, then, fine. I was fine with it, I had to be. I nodded, picking up my clothes from the floor on my way to the bathroom, and started the shower. I wasn't going to overthink it, it was just sex. Besides, we would have plenty of it throughout our marriage, right?

I washed my hair and shaved my body, trying to focus on my shower. I knew myself, and the second I started thinking, the more I would upset myself. It always happened that way. I got out of the shower when I heard thumping on my bathroom door. Quickly reaching for the towel, I wrapped it around my body and neared the door. "Who is it?" I placed my hand on the doorknob, ready to unlock it.

"It's Silvano, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here, so you won't walk out naked." He joked, his voice moving farther away as he probably made himself comfortable in the couch.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to wrap a towel around my hair and put on some of my clean undergarments. "You wish." I said and I could hear his snort.

"Trust me, I get laid plenty."

I grabbed the moisturizer off the sink and frowned. "How? You're always here." I squirted some onto my palm.

"Trying to get the details, are we?" His voice sounded muffled, but continued speaking. "I'm with one of the strippers here." He stated and I froze, my hands sticking the lotion on my arms. I crunched my eyebrows together.

"There are strippers here?"

"Oh yeah." He mumbled and I neared the door trying to hear what he was saying. "They're here to entertain the guests, and we don't usually interfere with them, but I am dating one, or with one, whatever that means."

I stopped talking and slipped on some shorts and a silky tee shirt that I tucked in while slipping my feet into my Nike shoes once my socks were on. "Does everyone break the rules?" I opened the bathroom door to listen to Silvano clearer. "Like, be with strippers?"

Silvano shrugged and stood up, walking over to me. "Don't know, don't care. Why are you so nosy today?" He leaned against the door frame and I looked down, avoiding his face so he wouldn't see my blush.

I shrugged and pulled out a brush, removing the towel from my hair. "I'm just curious. What are doing today?" I harshly tugged on the knots in my hair. Carson had been careless last night and tangled his hands in it, and in the heat of the moment, I didn't care, but now I did.

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