Chapter 2

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I was fidgeting with my fingers as I sat alone in the dark room. The images of Josh's bleeding body wouldn't leave my mind, and there was nothing I could do to help him or save him. I had ran the scenes over and over again through my mind, trying to figure out what happened, and where and how, but it all lead back to Josh's bleeding body. Now, I'm pretty sure that I was on the verge of going crazy. This room had no windows, no doors, except for the one in the corner, but it had no doorknob, so it didn't count as a door. It was also dead silent. I don't know if this was the only room on this side of the building, or if no one else was here anymore, and I was left to die, but I needed to know something, anything about Josh's health.

I gave out a loud huff, the only light in here was a stupid light bulb that was hanging from the celling in the middle of the room. The stupid thing had been flickering since the moment I got here, so it wasn't helping me calm down at all. The only thing in this room was a chair. I didn't even know for how long I had been in here for.

"Hello?" I called out when there was knocking on the door. I quickly stood up and ran over to it. "There's someone in here, please." I hit the door with my palm and tried to jam it open by pressing my body against it.

"Stop pushing against the door." A man's low voice called out and I backed away. "You've been surprisingly calm these past few hours." He said, entering the room.

As soon as he was in the room, I could see he was just like the other men that had captured us. He was wearing a sharp suit, his blonde hair slicked back, his black-rimmed glasses fit perfectly on the straight bridge of his nose. He stood tall too, in a threatening kind of way.

Swallowing my fear, I spoke up. "Where's my brother?"

"Your brother?" He frowned in confusion. I didn't know if he was faking his confusion, or if he really didn't know.

"Yes, Josh." I answered, standing tall too. He wasn't the only one with balls. Well, technically, he was, but figuratively, I had some too.

"He's being," he paused and breathed in, staring me down. "Taken care of." He finished, thoughts of what he meant running through my mind.

"I need to see him." I said. He merely stared at me and I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere by just demanding things like these men were doing. "Please." I begged as he looked back at the door.

"Fine, you have five minutes." He opened the door, walking out, and I followed him quietly. "The second door on your left. Don't try anything funny." He warned as he snapped his fingers so the guard at Josh's door could open it. I slipped in quietly and felt relieved to find him lying in bed and breathing. The room had more space and better lighting, seeing as the lightbulb wasn't flickering like my own. I quickly kneeled beside him and pushed his sticky hair off his forehead. "You're burning up." I whispered and fought back the tears as I pushed up his teeshirt and saw that his wound had been treated. "Oh, thank goodness." I gasped and smiled, taking his rough hand in mine and kissing his knuckles. I looked beside me and saw a bottle of water that was half full. Taking it, I reached for my flimsy white tee shirt and unknotted it. Afterwards, I quickly and effectively ripped off a piece, soaking it with the warm water. "It's warm, but it's better than nothing." I whispered to no one in particular, and then placed the wet rag to Josh's forehead.

I ran my fingers through his sticky hair and blew on his head to see if he would cool down. The door then banged open, and the man that had been standing outside came in. "Times up, dolly." He announced, snapping his fingers at me.

"Alright," I nodded and flipped the rag on the cooler side before pressing it again to his forehead. I placed a small kiss on his hand again before walking out. I ignored the look the guard gave me when he saw my torn tee shirt. "When can I see him again?" I followed him back to my room.

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