Chapter 3

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"You're not going to sign it." Josh told me, his voice hard. I rolled my eyes and treated his eye with some gauze.

"You have a better solution?" I inquired, ignoring his wincing as I cleaned it with alcohol. "You know that if I don't do this, it's only going to get worse." I said, placing a clean band-aid over the cut that seemed too deep for only a band-aid. "He will go after our family, Joshua." I stood in front of him, wrapping the clean gauze tightly around a tube. 

"I know that." He scowled, and stood up, walking over to the window. 

It had been about a week, although I think we were halfway through the second one now. We were still stuck here, the only difference is that our rooms had been changed. We were moved over to rooms that had the items needed for human living such as a bathroom, a bed, a window, and food that was delivered three times a day, sometimes only once if the man in charge felt like it. Josh had also gotten better. Since the man in charge, I had yet to know his name, needed Josh alive, he had a doctor go and check him out. Josh was treated, but since his wound had started healing by the time the doctor came around, he thought it was best to just leave the bullet inside. I didn't care much as to what he did or didn't do, as long as Josh could live. 

Right now, we were arguing over whether or not I should sign the piece of paper. This was also the reason of why he had a cut near his brow. For every day that passed after Josh had healed, if I didn't sign the form, Josh would get beat up. This had been the third time, and I was having a fit. Josh insisted that I shouldn't sign it, it was basically selling my soul to the devil. It was true, I would be giving up my whole life for this, but I couldn't just sit while Josh was over in the other room getting the beating of his life. 

"I'm signing it, Josh, and that's final." I declared while walking to the bathroom to put away the first-aid kit. Josh never responded anything, and I was glad. I didn't want to argue him anymore, but I was also hoping that he would pipe up with a better idea. Any idea would've been better than this one, but unfortunately, not every idea would end up with both of us, and our family alive. 

Once I exited the bathroom, Josh was gone. I sighed, looking at the camera that was in the corner of the room. It was in perfect view to spy over our every moves in every corner of the room. Only exception was the bathroom, but there were no windows, or any possible way that one could leave, not that I would dare to anyways. 

I always thought that if I was ever kidnapped, I would find a way to escape. Kill my kidnapper, run through gunshots, jump out a window, jump out of a moving car, anything. Now, that I really am kidnapped, I don't see myself doing that anymore. The risks were too dangerous and real. Let's be honest, no one ever really made it out from running through various gunshots. Besides, if I even tried to escape, the man in charge wouldn't think twice about killing me, and I wouldn't really care if a bullet went through my brain. The only problem was, this guy knew my family, and the only person that was truly safe, was Joshua. They needed him, for whatever reason, Josh was the person they couldn't kill. That gave me a little bit of peace, knowing that he wouldn't die, but I also knew the things they would do to him while he was living, and they were not good. 

I sighed, and shook my head, Josh didn't need to suffer anymore. I picked up a pen from the nightstand, and signed my name on the bottom line of the contract. "You've got to be kidding." I muttered to myself, seeing as the pen had no ink left. I licked the tip and tried again, but to no avail. Licking it again, I scribbled on my palm, seeing if that would work, but it didn't. I tossed the broken pen to the side, and reached for the drawers. If he had one pen, he had to have more lying around. I shoved every piece of paper to the side, nothing in the first drawer, but after getting several paper cuts, I finally found one. "Please work." I prayed quietly and licked the tip. I scribbly on the bottom line and smiled as a dark line appeared. I quickly signed my first name, and moved on to my last name when I felt the ground beneath me move. 

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