Chapter 11

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I bring to you guys, a treat... (drumroll please)

A chapter with Carson Vescovi's point of view! :) Enjoy!

I couldn't stand to see her face anymore. "Get her out, now." I demanded to Linia as the woman pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"It was a mistake, I promise." The blonde woman fell to her knees as Linia packed everything in the room that belonged to the woman. "It will never happen again, please." She wailed, her tears were running black as her makeup smudged off.

I scoffed and reached down to grab her arm and lift her up. "Stand up," I was getting angrier by the minute. "Take your fucking things, and get the hell out of my face." I growled, shoving the bag that Linia tossed into her shaking hands.

She had sold important information about my business to the Bambino's and then tried to seduce me so that I wouldn't do anything against her, but she had failed miserably. I didn't give second chances, and I didn't mess with women who weren't Ayva, despite the appearance I had to put up with her earlier.

"Please, Boss, please." She cried, and I turned to Linia.

"Make sure she's out within the hour, I don't want to see her ever again." I ordered him and left the room, walking back out to the casino. I ignored the group of men that were waiting for me to confirm the deal and walked up to the bar. "You," I stared at a young man that was making drinks. "Go to that group of men and tell them that the deal is off." I told the guy as he stared at me. "Hurry up now! I have more important matters to attend to!" I barked at him.

"Sir," he stood tall, and I could see that even though he was afraid, he was faking courage. "Don't do it, she really cares about you."

"What?" I questioned. "What the hell are you talking about?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

His eyes looked down and he busied his hands, probably trying to make them not to shake as much. "Ayva, sir," he said and I snarled at him.

"It's Mrs. Vescovi to you."

"Point is, sir, she came in here and saw you with the blonde woman, and she left. Don't cheat on her, Ayv- Mrs. Vescovi really cares about you, and it hurt her to s-"

"Vescovi, we have a problem." Linia came up to me and I glared at the young man. I wanted to hear what the guy had to say about Ayva, but Linia isn't usually urging me with important things unless they're actually important. I turned my brooding stare to Linia as he showed me his phone screen. "Silvano can't find Ayva." He said as my eyes quickly skimmed over their text messages.

"Goddammit!" I growled and took Linia's phone, calling Silvano.

Immediately Silvano answered, panting across the line. "Shit man, I fucked up! I looked everywhere, she's gone!" His voice was out of breath.

"For your sake, I hope you find her, and soon." I snapped and ended the call. "We need to go." I told Linia who nodded.

"I already called a backup Escalade to find her faster." Linia agreed as we hurried outside.

I was sick and tired of Ayva running away or looking for an exit to walk out of my sight or out of the guards that were supposed to watch her. "What the fuck is he doing out there with her?" I growled, speeding out of my building and driving to the cafe that Silvano had texted to Linia.

"They went to go get lunch." Linia said calling Silvano again.

"Dammit, Linia!" Silvano growled through the phone. "She broke her phone, I can't track her."

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