Chapter 13

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"It's two A.M. Carson, I need sleep, just go yourself." I groaned while hugging the white, warm covers to my body, letting my dry and tired eyes close again.

"Ayva, I need to attend important matters, you'll be flying with Linia." I heard his voice from somewhere in the room and ignored it. "Ayva!" I heard his voice closer as I was lifted from the bed.

"Carson!" I growled, snapping my eyes open in the complete darkness. "Oh my fucking God, can't I just rest?" I growled. Last night, because of Carson's stupid seduction, we had slept late. Blinking back the sudden light from the bathroom as Carson set me down in the bathroom counter, beside the sink.

"Get ready, the plane leaves in an hour, you're luggage has been packed and they're loading it now as we speak, now hurry." He walked out and shut the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and slid down, grabbing a towel and turning on the warm shower. I slowly got ready, despite the urging growl of Carson outside my door and my constant grumbles in return, I ended up boarding the plane thirty minutes late.

Linia was beside me as Carson was speaking to the pilot and co-pilot. I made myself comfortable in a seat over by the corner and grabbed the blanket that was in the seat beside me, but I used the seat as a foot rest and closed my eyes, ignoring the talking that Linia was doing on the phone. These men never slept, I could always hear them outside my bedroom walking around or talking in hushed voices. It was ridiculous, but it was their job, and they seemed to actually like it.

I felt a presence near me, pulling my seatbelt down on my body as I smelt the cologne of Carson. I refused to open my eyes and mumbled a thanks, gripping the blanket closer as his lips kissed my forehead gently. "Promise me you won't try to escape, and that you'll never leave Linia's side." Carson voice whispered in my ear, and I opened my eyes and saw that no on else was in the plane.

Looking up to his green orbs, I nodded, "I'm not going anywhere, now let me sleep." I closed my eyes as I felt his lips touch mine, his hand cupping my chin as he lifted it to deepen the kiss.

"I'll fly out as soon as I can." He promised against my lips, and I felt a shiver from his cool breath. I nodded, daze by his breathtaking kiss. I felt him leave and opened my eyes to see his muscular, cladded back leave.

I sat still and watched the place where he had just been standing in, feeling the private plane start and Linia settle himself in front of me, the doors being locked and lights turning off, the flight attendant buckling herself in too. I turned my head to the window and watched as the building became smaller and how the lights were barely there after a while. I felt my stomach flip with the realization that I wanted to forget and never bring it up again.

It was why I yearned for Carson's touch, why I didn't fight sleeping in the same bedroom, why I got jealous and left, why I wanted his attention on me, why I hated this feeling of separation.

I loved him, and that was the most self-destructive thought that had ever crossed my mind.

Closing my eyes, I begged for sleep to come, fighting the feeling that was now invading every worry in my head.

It was much later that we arrived at the landing, that was when I realized that I had no idea where we were. I turned to Linia, ready to ask when he answered, "Italy." I nodded and turned to the black Escalade that was already waiting for us. I got inside and waited for Linia that was loading the luggage in the back before he got in beside me. I took a peak to his phone and saw that it was 3:30 P.M. It had been an eleven hour flight plus the thirty minutes in delay. I leaned back against the cushioned seat and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why though?" I questioned as Linia put down his phone in his pocket and looked at me. I looked at his features and saw that he looked similar to Carson. Strong jawline, straight nose, his eyes were grey though, and his hair a lighter color than Carson's.

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