Chapter 10

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I was standing beside Silvano in the line of the small cafe, looking up at the menu board. "Order me that." I told him while leaving to the ladies room. He merely nodded and continued texting on his phone, a frown on his face. I quickly entered the bathroom and locked it behind me, ignoring the two young girls that were staring at me weirdly. "Girls," I pulled my bag off and walked over to the window. "I need help." I said, climbing onto of the sink to reach the window lock. "Dammit," I hissed when it was securely locked. I pulled my phone out, and without thinking twice, I slammed it against the lock, breaking the screen of my phone and denting the lock.

"Your phone!" The girl with the blonde hair gasped in horror as I slammed it against the lock again.

"Gotta do," I tossed the phone down to the brunette girl, "what you gotta do." I moved my hand over to the blondie, pointing. "Boost me up, hurry!" I hissed as her hands grabbed at my ankles and tried to raise me, but I was too heavy for her scrawny arms. "Girls, I've got a broken phone because of a broken relationship, please don't break my body." I clung to the window sill, my fingertips swallowing the harsh metal bars.

"Bethany, grab her other foot!" The blondie ordered and Bethany tossed the phone into her purse while running to help me. Both girls boosted me up when the bathroom door was knocked. I widened my eyes and put my finger to my lips. "Who is it?" The blondie yelled.

Dammit blondie!

"Is this the ladies room?" An older lady asked timidly.

"Don't open until I'm out, Bethany, toss the phone out, people are tracking it." I said before dropping from the side window and onto the ground.

I landed with an oomph and lifted myself off. "Wait!" Blondie screamed, "your purse!"

"Keep it!" I replied before dusting off my black jeans and pulled my white crop top down so that it didn't expose as much of my midriff, but my high-waisted jeans covered me well. Running, I went to the side where I knew a bar was open. I could feel my heart pounding. Silvano had most likely found out by now that I escaped, only question was, had he informed the rest?

I hoped not, especially Carson. I wanted him out of my life, I wanted him to regret cheating on me. I moved to the front of the building where a security lady argued with a drunk man. The man clearly wanted in, but she wasn't having it. I quietly slipped in from behind and entered the dark and loud club. The pungent smell of sweat, alcohol, and cheap perfume was everywhere. I ignored the stares I received from people at the tables and made my way to the bar.

"Whiskey." I demanded to the man from the other side.

He looked up at me and smirked. "You sure you're old enough, doll?" His black eyes twinkled with amusement.

"I'm inside, no?" I raised my brows, flashing him my best smile. He nodded, his hands moving quickly as he poured and handed me my drink. "Thank you, but keep them coming, I'm getting drunk tonight." I winked at him and he shook his head, the smile still playing on his lips.

"Won't take you long, three drinks and I think your as good as anyone here." He advised as he served me another one.

"No," I shook my head and downed the whiskey, ignoring the burn it had while going down. "I want to be so drunk, I pass out." I snapped my fingers at him and realized I still had my engagement ring. Pulling it off, I flung it into the crowd of sweating bodies on the dance floor. I didn't care how much it had cost Carson, he could just buy another one for his blonde bimbo. Perhaps he'd buy a more expensive one for her, I thought while downing my fourth drink and snapped my fingers at the guy again. He didn't say anything, and I kept drinking.

Carson was probably happy that I had finally left. I fought back the tears, but I couldn't. Ever since I stepped foot in that whole mafia mess, I wanted to cry, but withheld myself because of who they were, but now, I was free, and they could all go to hell. If I wanted to cry, then I was going to cry.

So I cried, and nobody said anything. The loud and overbearing music were drowning my sobs, and the whiskey stopped burning my throat, instead, my cries were hurting my chest. I continued to tip glasses until I was dancing with a guy that looked just like Carson. Damn him.

I was pushed into a corner and with blurry vision, I saw him coming down at me. "You're so hot." The guy mumbled in my ear. His hot mouth was placing wet kisses on my neck and he tugged on my thigh up on his torso. I complied and let him lift me to him. I wasn't feeling pleasured, despite the grunts he made when I kissed him back, and let him place his hot hands on my body.

"Never leave me." I said, trying to follow his lusted eyes, but I couldn't see straight anymore. "Promise me," I closed my watering eyes and placed my mouth over his. Carson couldn't leave me, I was the best of the best.

"I'll never leave you, baby." The guy responded, biting down my lip and I pulled away.

If only that was true. "You cheated on me, Carson Vescovi." I cried, tears falling down, but Carson didn't care because his lips never moved from my neck. I could feel his arms pull me flush against his body, just like he had with the blonde woman, his arm had been around her too. "You left me." I whimpered as Carson looked up at me. His eyes were black. Wait. This wasn't Carson.

"No, I didn't, babe. I'm still here, but let's go have a good time at my apartment, yeah?" His low voice was muttering sweat nothings and I agreed.

Carson had left me, it didn't matter what happened now. With that, I clutched the guy's shoulders and let him carry me outside of the club. I heard a car unlock when we bumped into something. "Sorry, man." The guy holding me apologized while the other guy merely grunted and walked past. I buried my head in the guy's chest as I felt him drop me in a car seat. I closed my eyes and felt him jostle around to buckle me up, but I was to drunk to care that his mouth placed a wet kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes and dozed off.


My head hurt so bad. I could feel the pumping of my heart against the front of my head and my stomach ache in every painful way. I must've eaten something wrong because the sudden urge to vomit aroused in me and without thinking, I jumped out of the bed I was lying in. I found the toilet and hurled inside. I could feel the taste burn my throat as my eyes watered and I puked again. My stomach ached from the pressure of throwing everything back up. I grabbed my black hair and pushed it behind my ears while gripping the toilet seat and vomiting again. My head was pounding harder by the second and my eyes watered until tears were falling down.

I reached for the handle to flush everything while I dry-heaved. "Maybe now you won't be so stupid as to leave for drinks and guys." I heard a low voice rumble behind me. I looked and saw Carson's dark shadow standing by the door. I ignored his comment and reached for my toothbrush. I carefully brushed my teeth while Carson continued to pester me. "12 fucking hours to find you, Ayva. Goddammit, when are you going to l-" he continued to speak, but I for once, didn't argue with him.

I threw my myself at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Carson stopped talking and I could feel his stare, but I ignored it and pressed my face into his chest, focusing on his smell that was surprisingly soothing. I felt him sigh before he wrapped his strong arms around me and lift me up. I felt my back hit the bed and him beside me. I didn't want to let go of Carson, and thankfully, he didn't let go of me either. I felt his arm pull me flush against his warm body and I closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort he was offering. I needed this more than anything right now.

I needed comfort that everything was going to be alright, comfort that he wasn't mad at me, or leaving me. I felt his heartbeat steadily beat against his chest as he placed a kiss on my head.

"Oh Ayva," he said softly, "when are you going to learn to never leave my side?"

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