Chapter 29

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"Wait?" I repeated the doctor's words, gripping Carson's hand in my own. "How long?" I turned to look at Carson's pale face. His color had yet to return, and the bruises on his face from the day before were becoming darker and more prominent.

"However long it takes." He said hopelessly, bowing his head down, but I refused to believe that this was the end to the Vescovi Mafia organization. Carson was strong, he would fight through this, because if he didn't, I would give him hell in Hell.

"Keep your phone intact, we'll call in case." Linia spoke quietly, leading the short man out, their voices hushing, leaving only me and Carson's heartbeat monitor in the silent room. I stayed quiet, watching as the heartbeat monitor steadily beeped and dragged a straight line upward and then downward, indicating life.

The doctor had worked all night. He had cleaned and stitched and aided and cured everything that he could, but at the end of the day, it was Carson's decision to live or die. Carson had lost so much blood, and since we couldn't take him to a hospital in fear that the police would start to suspect about his business, we brought him back to a building he owned nearby, and fortunately, one of the guards shared the same blood and was kind enough to donate, but I guess he had no choice, otherwise there would be no boss to give him his paycheck. Now, all we could do was wait for either him to wake up and start his journey to recovery, or wait for him to fall into a deep, cometic sleep.

I squeezed his large hand in my own, watching his chest rise a bit before falling again with the intake and outtake of each breath. I was interrupted by a soft knocking on the door. Wiping my tears, I turned around as Silvano entered, a bundle in his arms. I felt a surge of happiness come through me as the bundle moved slightly, his muffled noise of complaints echoed the quiet room.

"He's been a bit restless, and I couldn't take care of him properly, so I thought you might need him and I know he needs you." Silvano muttered, looking awkward as he maneuvered his arms to give Matthew to me. "Go to mommy." He whispered as Matthew squirmed, opening his mouth as a cry came out.

I smiled, looking down at the baby. "Yes," I whispered softly, "come to mommy." I cooed, lowering my head to press a soft kiss onto his head.

"The nurse left earlier today, but she gave me this and told me that he needed feeding at one." Silvano placed the baby bag on the floor, beside my chair as he sighed, looking down at Carson's battered body.

"Damn, they got him good." Silvano scowled before turning to look at me while I pressed the blue pacifier to Matthew's small mouth. I watched in adoration as he quickly responded to it and quieted down, closing his dark green eyes. "He your's?"

"He is now." I murmured, patting his bottom lightly as I swayed him in my arms, lulling him to sleep. "He was a friend's, but then she died," I sighed, remembering how much she had suffered in her last moments. "He has no one, just an uncle, but I intend to keep him." I paused, thinking of his family members. "My parents!" I hissed, mentally face-palming my face. "In all of this, I totally forgot to talk to them!"

"Joshua's got it, that's why he's not here." Silvano patted my back slightly, sighed as he stepped back. "Well, I have to go, get some rest Ayva, you look like shit." He joked, tossing me a wink before exiting the room, the nurse that was supposed to be taking care of Carson entering instead.

"Good evening." She nodded politely in my direction, heading straight to Carson's machine behind me as she changed some liquid bags and injected other liquids in, taking Carson's temperature and pressure.

"Do you think he'll wake up?" I blurted out, watching her carefully as she moved without a fleeting moment of tension.

"I don't know ma'am, ever-"

"You, I want to know what you personally think." I explained, watching her wrinkled laugh lines turned up a bit as she gave me a kind smile.

"Well, I think he's a strong man, and his signs seem to be looking up, I'd like to say he will wake up." She assured me softly, looking down at the sleeping Matthew.

"Thank you." I gave her a grateful smile, she had no idea how good it was to hear her positive feedback. She nodded, focusing back to her work, and I leaned back, feeling a bit more hope flourish in my tired body.

Reaching for my phone, I carefully balanced it with my laptop and house keys, exiting my apartment and heading down, where Joshua was waiting for me with Matthew.

It had been a couple of days, five to be exact, since Carson had been shot. I spent the first two days glued to my seat beside him, but then I realized that nothing good was going come out of me sitting about and doing nothing all day, so I picked myself up, and came back to my apartment. I called my worried parents to convince them that I was fine and in perfect health. Then, I called my boss to inform her that I wouldn't be attending work for the next week, telling her how I was having a couple of personal issues that I needed to take care of, but it turns out that she had found out about Cassandra and Jasmine, and she knew that I was close friends with them, so in return, she gave me two weeks so that I could return to work prepared.

I knew Cassandra had no family members beside a couple of friends, but the closest friends she had was Jasmine and I, so I made it my duty to plan her funeral. I called Jasmine's brother, and expressed my deepest condolences, explaining to him how I would help with the funeral expenses. I had also spoken with him about his nephew, explaining how I was taking care of him and that I truly loved the tiny angel. After much conversing and explaining, he finally agreed to let me keep Matthew, telling me that Jasmine would've wanted Matthew to have a mother figure in his life, and for someone close to her to end up having the baby. We still had yet to sign some of the adoption papers and documents, but I wouldn't mind as long as the baby stayed with me.

I had packed a bag full of my clothes and necessities for Matthew that I had recently bought to take them with me over at the building where Carson was staying. Carson had been displaying small signs of recovery, demonstrating that he was slowly recuperating himself. His breathing became deeper, his heartbeat steadier, his skin color regaining the tan glow and the pink of his lips and cheeks. The bruises and cuts on his face were starting to get better as well, some of them had even faded within the week, but I had no doubt that he most definitely was getting better.

"You love him, don't you?" Josh asked quietly, afraid to disturb the peaceful sleep that his nephew was having.

"I can't help it." I sighed, looking down at my fingers. "I promise you, I tried, so hard. Everyday of the two years that I spent here, I tried to forget him, to move one and date other people, but I just couldn't." I admitted, looking up to see Josh's tense expression.

"I know, but I also know the danger that you will be in if you decide to make this relationship thing you have going on with him work." He warned, his tone not very happy. "You've almost lost your life, twice Ayva." He reminded me, throwing me a wary glance.

"I know," I agreed, looking back at him. "I just want to wait for him to recover, for him to wake up before we jump into this whole conversation. Perhaps it might turn like last time, he might send me away." I shrugged, remembering how harshly he had spoken to me and what he had done in front of me just to get me to leave.

"I just don't want what happened last time to happen again." He explained, taking a turn into the private street that lead to the hidden Vescovi building.

"It won't, I'm more prepared." I promised him, watching as he pulled into the curb of the building, Silvano waiting outside for us, a smile plastered onto his face as he opened my door. "What's wrong with you today?" I chuckled as he helped take out my bag while I unbuckled Matthew from his baby car seat carrier and cradled him to my body, covering his small body with a fluffy blanket. 

"Well, I think it's good news," he paused, shutting the car doors as we walked inside the building, the small living area in the first floor.

"What?" I prodded, rubbing Matthew's back gently as he let out a few noises of complaints.

"Vescovi's awake, and he's asking for you."

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