Chapter 26

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I paced the room quietly, patting the baby's bottom as he finished up his bottle. Twisting it gently, I lifted the tip of the bottle from his mouth and held the bottle in between my fingers, slowing my movements so that Matthew didn't vomit.

"Would you quit staring?" I muttered quietly, feeling Vescovi's eyes follow me from one side of the room to the other.

"Whose is that?" Was all he asked, not removing his eyes from me as I put the bottle down beside the baby bag, and picked up a pacifier just in case.

"Mine." I responded, tucking the baby's hands inside the blanket carefully, leaning down to press a kiss on his warm and soft forehead. I could feel his gaze stay on me and I sighed, straitening back up. "He was a friend of mine, but she's gone." I explained, looking up at his battered face, resisting the urge to near him and try to clean him up and fix his wounds. "He has no one, except for me." I looked back at Matthew when the door was pushed open. I heard Vescovi stand up, nearing us as a man entered.

"Thought you might need this." He tossed a white box onto the bed that sat in the middle of the room. "Boss will come here shortly." He snickered and reached over to me, his fingers reaching over to touch my face, but Vescovi's arm pulled me back from the man's touch.

"I'll be waiting." Vescovi grounded out, placing himself in front of Matthew and me. The man threw me another glance before leaving, slamming the door on propose, but Matthew didn't budge.

"They only wanted me, you know." I muttered out, walking over to the bed and placing the baby in the middle, switching it for the first-aid kit. "If you would've kept your mouth shut, you'd probably be back at your building." Screwing another one of your many women toys. I felt his body pass mine as he sat down on the bed, watching me as I pulled out a piece of cotton and alcohol.

"I couldn't let you get hurt." Vescovi spoke as I neared him, dabbing the cotton onto his brow, where blood was still coming out from the welcoming that the men here gave him. I merely scoffed and pressed the cotton onto his wound again, the intention of hurting him prominent, but he didn't even wince. "Don't believe me?" He challenged, his hands finding my hips as I continued to wipe at the blood from his wounds.

"Doesn't matter, Vescovi, hopefully your people will get you out of here, then I won't have to deal with the death of another person on my conscious." I spoke quietly, ignoring the warmth that radiated off his hands and seeped into my skin.

"They'll get us out, Ayva, and if they don't, then don't worry, they won't lay a finger on yo-"

"Stop that." I interrupted him, stilling my hand that was cleaning him and looking into his dark green eyes that I had yearned for.

"What?" He frowned, looking back, straight at me.

"Your bullshit. Just stop it." I ignored the tears that welled in my eyes and looked back down to grabbed another clean cotton ball, wetting it with alcohol. "One minute you're vowing to protect me, and in the next, you're telling me get the hell out of your way, to leave you alone, and when I do, you just find your way back into my life, and it's not fair!" I cried, feeling the tears trail down, Vescovi stood up, his hands still on my hips.

"Oh, love," he wrapped an arm around me, his free hand coming to wipe at my tears when the door opened and I flinched back, out of Vescovi's arms.

Wiping the tears, I walked over to the bed, reaching to grab at Matthew, pulling him to me, afraid that he'd be taken from me if I left him alone. I looked up to see an older man smirking at us.

"I wanted one, but instead, I hit jackpot." He laughed and entered, leaving the door open from behind, letting us take a look at the long hallway that was ahead, littered with guards. "Come here, Collins." The man ordered, waving me over with his hand, and I took cautious step forward when Vescovi blocked my way.

"Your deal is with me, leave her out of it." Vescovi growled, his arm extending to prevent me from crossing forward.

The man chuckled, looking back at me and catching a view of Matthew, who slept soundlessly in my arms. "Oh, a baby!" He smirked and looked down, making me turn away from the man. "Oh, darling, I won't do anything, I just want to take a look." He stepped forward and so did Vescovi, their chests barely touching. "Back off, Vescovi, else I won't think twice to have that girl's life taken away without a second thought." He threatened, his glare filled with cold hate.

"Don't you fucking lay a finger on her, else I won't think twice to break that face of yours." Vescovi threatened right back.

"Just tell us what you truly want." I tried to pry them off of each other by pulling on Vescovi's arm.

"Well, I just want to destroy Vescovi's business." The man stepped back as Vescovi took a step back as well. "Who's child is that?" He looked down at my arms.

"Mine." I stated firmly, knowing very well in how much danger I was putting him in, but I also knew that I wouldn't let them lay a finger on him, I wouldn't lose another baby.

"Oh, someone cheated." He clicked his tongue, catching a glimpse of the baby's tuff of light brown hair, noticing that Vescovi's hair was a dark brown and mine black. "Any-who," he looked back into the hall and snapped his fingers, two very large guards coming in. "You're coming with me."

"The hell she is." Vescovi thundered, "she's staying with me."

"See," the man started pacing around the room, watching us intently, "with us men, Vescovi, we can't care too much about someone, it becomes our downfall. You committed a mistake of taking such a strong liking to this young lady, I'm just getting rid of that mistake, giving you a fresh start, if you will." He explained, snapping his fingers again as the guards moved in, and I suddenly feared for Vescovi's life.

Vescovi was a tall and muscular man, at the height of 6'3", and his strong form that he kept by working out, I knew he could go against anyone and win, but these men seemed so much buffer and bigger, and Vescovi didn't show signs of moving, and I knew that his damn pride and ego wouldn't let him back down.

"There's no need for violence, correct, Vescovi?" I tugged on his arm and tried to slip past him, but he held his ground.

"No, Ayva, you're staying with me."

"I've done this before, Vescovi, just let me through and stop being so dramatic." I joked, trying hide the fact that I was scared. "Here," I slipped past him and lifted my arms in his direction, trying hand off Matthew, but I felt a hand pull me back.

"Oh, that won't be necessary, see, we need you two together." The man in charge led me back while Vescovi kept throwing threats and challenging the man while I bit my tongue, hoping that Vescovi would shut his mouth. "Gentlemen, take care him, gently though, I still need him."

"No!" I called out, feeling the man push me out of the room as I heard the door shut followed by the sound of hitting and grunting, making panic arise in me. "Please, don't hurt him, please." I begged, turning to the door and searching for a doorknob, not sure what I was planning on doing, but anything was better than nothing.

"Oh, don't worry darling, it's only a lesson we're going to teach him, and the more you struggle, the worse it goes for him, so I suggest you listen to me." He grabbed my arm and tugged me along his side. "Come now, we have business to attend to." He walked past the hallways, and I lost track of how many stairs we took up and then back down again, and how many rights and lefts. All I knew was that my legs were aching and Matthew was starting to become restless in my arms. "Welcome to your room." He opened a door in front of me to reveal a bedroom accommodating the baby and me. "Now, get comfortable, because I have a feeling you're going to be in here a while. I'll be back in a bit, then we can commence our business agreement." He walked out, shutting the door behind him, and I noticed that there was no doorknob on my side.

"Oh, my precious baby," I whispered quietly, walking over to the bed and laying Matthew down, freeing him of the tight blanket around him. I watched in adoration as he opened his green eyes up and stretched his tiny legs and arms. "You're so sweet, aren't you?" I cooed at him lightly, running my fingertips over his stomach that was cladded in a blue, cotton bodysuit. "You have nothing to worry about." I promised him, pressing a soft kiss on his tiny hand.

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