Chapter 28

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There are moments in your life where everything is happening so vividly, so real, that it almost seems unbelievable. Those moments that have your heart racing and you're wishing that it's just a nightmare, that you'll wake up and see that everything is okay. Some of us have those moments more than once, but there's that one that sticks out. That one that you felt you're whole world spinning. The moment that you know that it's going to mark the rest of your life, either for the better, or the worse. For me, the moment flew by, seemingly almost unreal, and it was for the worse.

"Just stay back, I'll cover you and you can go untie him." Linia whispered hurriedly, watching attentively the men from above the warehouse and the ones in our floor, pacing around, they were nervous, too, and perhaps we could play it out to our advantage.

"Why me? You know I don't act well against pressure!" I hissed, feeling despair sink into me.

"You don't know how to aim, Ayva, if I left you to cover for me, we'll all be dead." He deadpanned, grabbing my arm and running against another wall, blocking us from the view of all the men that were pacing around with guns.

"Call for backup then, you can't put Vescovi's life in my hands, it's too much." I shook my head, there was no way in hell that I would take blame if he died or lived. "I was only supposed to show you where he was." I pleaded, watching as he aimed his gun upwards, directly into the guard's head.

"You have thirty seconds to get across and to Vescovi, you untie him and I try to kill as many as possible." He explained and let go of my arm, and I panicked.

"Linia, please, I-"

"Go!" He shoved me forwards and the sound of a gunshot echoed in the large room. I almost screamed from fear and panic as I saw everyone's eyes turn to me, but I remembered Linia's rules. Pushing my legs, I ran to Vescovi's beaten body, falling to my knees to reach behind the chair so I could unit his hands.

"Fuck, Ayva, go back!" Vescovi growled, my fingers fumbling with the rope's texture as I pulled and twisted at the knots.

"This," I huffed, gasping as I heard bullets hitting the floor right beside us. "Won't come fucking off!" I shrieked when a bullet came right beside me, hitting the edge of the chair, but I successfully unknotted the chair. "Linia!" I screamed, Vescovi used his freed hands to help me sit up on the chair and untying his feet.

"Ayva, run back, now!" Vescovi snapped, his finger's twisting the knot, but the knot was too small and his hands were too big.

"Just let me!" I bit back the scream that wanted to leave me when I felt something clamp down on my arm.

"Fuck!" Vescovi pushed behind me, and I knew there was someone trying to get me. "Hurry up, Ayva, they're coming at us." He urged me.

"Got it!" I yelped, feeling a hand go directly to my arm and raising me up.

"Come on, where's Linia?" He grunted and I looked down to see that his midsection was hurting.

"Lean on me," I pushed my body against his, trying to support some of his weight, but it was too much, and he could move with difficulty. "Damn it, Vescovi!" I tossed his heavy arm around my shoulders and tried to walk, but his weight wasn't allowing me to move much.

"I can walk, Ayva, just go, you'll get hurt." Vescovi tried to remove his arm from around me, but I clamped down on his hand.

"Carson, I have a son, and I love him, and if you don't stop being so damn complicated and start walking, I swear I will personally kill you if we make it out alive." I growled, pushing my legs to move with his body weight, successfully taking two steps.

"Well, look at that." The disgusting voice of the man in charge bounced off the walls. "I knew you had guts,  but I didn't know you had this much." He chuckled, walking in front of us, a black gun in his hand, pointing directly at my head. "You're not leaving." He shook his head, a dark smirk appearing on his face. "Leastways, not alive."

"Fuck off, Marino." Vescovi growled from beside me, his weight coming off a bit and I knew he was trying to step forward. "If you fucking dare shoot, I'll finish making your life miserable, and that's a fucking promise, so put that mot-"

"You see, Vescovi, I don't care anymore. You took my brother's life, then my wife's, I don't have a fucking life anymore, all because of you!" He roared, his hatred filled eyes turning back to me and I felt my knees weaken a bit, but with Vescovi's weight on me, that bit made Vescovi's body fall on top of mine, blocking me from the so called Marino. In that moment, two gunshots came.

I wasn't sure from where, or who, I didn't know who got shot, but the warmth that was seeping into me was enough to have me panicking on full mode. If I was the one that got shot, I didn't feel it, but if it was Carson, I had feeling that even though it wasn't on me physically, I was sure as hell going to feel it.

"Are you alright?" Carson groaned, looking back and rolling off of me. "Did you get hurt?" He asked as I shook my head, forcing my eyes to check his chest for that goddamn bullet that seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

"The bullet?" I asked in disbelief,  sighing in relief when I saw no bullet injuries in his chest. "It didn't hi-" I stopped, staring down at the deep red circle that became bigger and bigger with every millisecond that passed. "Fuck, no, Carson!" I croaked, tears blurring my eyes as I saw that it had, in fact, hit him. It had landed into his stomach, creating a pool of blood, sinking into his dress shirt. "Shit!" I placed his hand down, ignoring the groan the came from his mouth from the pain. "Linia!" I screamed, nearing my body to Carson's head and placing it on my lap as I pressed down so that he couldn't bleed out. "Linia!" I screamed again, my voice breaking painfully, scratching my throat from the dryness.

"Babe," Carson called from below me, coughing up blood and I wanted to rip my hair out from desperation. "Stop yelling, I'll be fine." He paused, more blood spilling out of his mouth and I felt my hand slip from his wound, the blood making my hand slippery.

""Fuck, I was upstairs and tried to rush down as fast as I could, shit!" Linia sputtered, his face paling as he caught glimpse of Carson's wound.

"Go get some fucking back-up! Silvano! Colombo! Anyone, just get fucking someone!" I cried, tears falling down as Carson's face became paler and colder. "Carson, please!" I cried, pushing down on his wound, praying that it would stop bleeding and magically fix itself. "Please, I love you!" I blubbered, pressing my free hand to his face, his beautiful face that was losing life. "Don't leave me, not like this, please!" I begged,  rubbing his cheek as a bunch of men came running in.

"Ayva, keep your hand on the wound, but back off as much as you can." Linia ordered softly, helping me stand as the men gathered around Carson's body and lifted him up.

"Where the fuck were you?!" I slapped my hand across Linia's chest, staining it with Carson's blood. "I screamed for you! You said you had me covered, what about your fucking boss! Why didn't you cover him?!" I cried, watching as a black Escalade drove up, a short man running out. Linia didn't say anything as the short man came close, telling the men to put Carson in the car, and for me to keep my hand in place. "Linia," I called out as I carefully got in the car, not removing my hand from Carson's abdomen. "Where's Silvano?"

"I'll find them." He assured me, shutting the car door as the driver immediately started driving. The short man shuffled around in his seat, pulling at his glasses and looking at Carson's body. I turned away from him and focused on Carson's face. His red lips were now turning a pale pink, almost grey, his cheeks losing any color they previously had.

"Carson, please," I begged quietly, rubbing my free hand through his soft, dark hair. "Don't die on me, I still have to yell at you for leaving me the first time." I murmured, looking down at his wound that was coating my hand in dark red blood. "Fuck, why did you have to be so goddamn stubborn and not let me take the damn bullet?"

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