Chapter 1

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"Mom," I bit my tongue on saying a rude or grumpy comment, and continued packing my bags. "Don't you think you're being a bit," I turned and looked at her, "dramatic?" I winced as she gasped and widened her eyes.

"Ayva!" She scowled, folding the piece of clothing in her hand rather forcefully. "You don't know what is going on over there-"

"And you do?" I responded and grimaced. I was always opening my mouth at the wrong times, but it wasn't my fault that I got ticked off.

"Josh is always calling and telling me about everything that is happening over t-"

"Joshua is a liar." I answered and turned back around to finish packing my bags.

"Joshua lives there, besides, why would he lie?" She inquired, placing my now crumpled shirt in my suitcase.

"Because he's Josh." I muttered quietly while fighting back the roll my eyes I wanted to do.

Mom had always put Josh on a pedestal. To her, Josh was perfect and could do no wrong. If Josh made a mistake, Mom would rant about how everyone was human and that it was completely normal for a young, teenage boy to make mistakes. I loved my brother, very dearly, but there wasn't a day where I wouldn't resent him for being mommy's boy. I wished Mom could be that understanding and compassionate with me, yet, she never was. Dad saw it too. Dad was always the one getting onto Josh for doing stupid things and being more understanding with me. I guess, in a way, their parenting ways balanced out things. With Dad on my side and with Mom on Josh's side, it worked out.

"He's being very kind to let you go and visit the city and stay with him for two months, you should be grateful." She scolded me, sitting down on my bed while I went over to my closet to pick up the remaining of shoes that I wanted to take.

"I am grateful." I mumbled, bending down to pick up my heels.

"And what is up with all of these dresses?" She called out. "You're going to go explore, not to stand in a corner at midnight outside a bar." She said, scrunching her face when she pulled out a black sparkly dress.

I snatched it out of her hands and placed it back in my bag, stuffing the heels on top. "Mom!" I objected.

"Look at the dress honey!" She laughed, trying to pull it out again but I slammed shut the top of the suitcase, and zipped it up. I laughed and shook my head. Sure, my intentions weren't to only explore and walk around, I had meant to dress up a bit and go to a few parties, but if I said that, my parents might just cancel my non-refundable ticket. And yes, I did purchase a non-refundable ticket on purpose.

I sat down beside Mom and sighed, leaning my head against her own. "Don't worry, if anything goes wrong, I know to dial 911 and to blame Josh." I chuckled, turning to kiss my mom's cheek.

"Right." She laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, bringing me in for a hug. "Just take care for me, okay?" She asked, rubbing my black hair that matched hers.

"Always." I whispered back, hugging her tightly.

"Okay," she pulled back and smiled, tears in her eyes. "I'm going to leave now because if I stay, I'll end up crying." She laughed, waving her hands in front of her face.

"Leave, because if you start crying, I'll start crying." I laughed and ushered her out of the room. Once she was out, I shut my door and walked back to my bed.

Mom was being really pessimistic about this trip because of all the crap that Josh had been telling her lately. Josh kept feeding her these lies about this gang that was currently roaming the streets. He said that the men had been there since everyone could remember, but no one dared to do anything. Honestly, I don't know how Mom would be so feeble. Why would a group of criminals that have been there since ever just now reappear? Answer is they wouldn't, why? Because they're not real.

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