Chapter 18

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"When are you planning on getting better, Ayva? Huh?" Silvano muttered as he sat beside me, huffing from the training he had been doing with a couples of guys.

"I am getting better, Silvano." I muttered back to him, watching as Linia tumbled to the floor with the guy who was boxing back with him. Linia landed a punch onto the guy's face, but the guy didn't even flinch as he shoved Linia off of him, Linia's face starting to bruise up from the harshness of it.

"Really?" He looked at me, lifting my hand and wrapping his fingers around my arm completely. "Cause I don't see it. I just see you becoming smaller and smaller, and paler."

I pushed his hand with my free arm and scowled at him, "that's because you have big hands, don't try to switch it around."

Silvano watched me with sad eyes as he nudged me with his strong shoulder. "Are you okay, Ayva?" He asked sincerely, and I opened my mouth to answer, but he continued. "Honestly."

I looked away from his eyes, fearing he'd see the tears fighting to come out and slide down as they had perfected in the shower and at night. "Oh, Silvano." I took in a shaky breath, and clenched my fists in my lap, I wasn't going to cry, not in front of him, not in the middle of a gym. "Go!" I shoved him off the seat beside me and forward, "it's your turn."

Thankfully, he didn't protest or pester me anymore and traded spots with Linia, whose ragged breaths heaved beside me. "Oh damn!" He panted, and I watched as Silvano shook hands with his partner before they started throwing punches at each other.

"Deep breaths, Linia, deep breaths." I advised him, watching as Silvano tumbled down to the ground as Linia had done a couple minutes ago.

"That's what I should be telling you." He panted and patted my back rather hard, pushing me forward a bit. "My bad, I forgot you're tiny." He removed his hand and I wanted to turn to glare at him. A month ago, I would've been able to take him on, maybe not win, but put up a good fight. Now? Not so much, so I didn't turn. "Vescovi wants to see you."

I turned to him at that sentence. I hadn't seen Vescovi for a week, and now he wanted to see me? "What for?" I frowned, fidgeting with my slim fingers.

"You'll have to ask him that, he just informed me to tell you to go see him. I'd better hurry too, he didn't sound in such a good mood." Linia leaned back to gulp down his water bottle.

"Alright, I'll see you guys around." I patted his shoulder gently and walked away, taking a last glance at the boxing ring where Silvano was gasping for air and tackling his partner down.

Taking the stairs, I walked down to Vescovi's office, where I knew he spent most of his time lately. I smiled kindly at the guards who were outside and knocked lightly, hoping Carson had heard me so I didn't have to knock again.

"Come in." His gruff voice answered, and I said a quick prayer before twisting the knob in my hand and pushing the door open.

"Hey," I said softly, entering as Carson looked up from his desk, his eyes softening a tiny bit before he clenched his jaw.

"Shut the door." He ordered, and I knew something was wrong. It had been a week and a half since the surgery, maybe he had found out.

I leaned back to shut the door before nearing him, staying on the opposite side of his desk, watching as his eyes stared back at me, and I could feel my hands sweating, my heartbeat racing against my chest, I was sure he could hear it.

Clearing my throat, I looked away from his cold stare and stared at the sheets of papers on his desk. "You wanted to see me?" I spoke calmly, despite the quivering I felt my knees make.

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