Chapter 6

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"Bait?" I stared at Linia that was toying with a gun.

"Yes." He confirmed, aiming the gun out the window from the room and shot. I flinched, causing the woman that was doing my makeup to swipe the brush right off my face.

"Sorry." I apologized, but she didn't even acknowledge it. I resisted the temptation of rolling my eyes, and looked back at the mirror. My black hair was curled, framing my tan face. My green eyes stood out from the long and dark lashes that the woman had oh-so-kindly placed on my lids. My red, vibrant lips matched my red, long dress. All in all, I looked like I was about to walk the classy-slut look. "I do look like a slut, don't I?" I turned to Silvano who was also hanging out in the room.

Even though I had only been here a week, and yes, I did manage to piss off bossy man enough for him to have Silvano and Linia return to guarding me again. Still, I shared a room with him, and if he was around, he'd have me with him, far away, but in the same room. I also learned that this wasn't some sort of gang, this was the mafia. Difference was that this organization ran across the entire country and then some. Also, ever since that Moretti guy died, Vescovi was the biggest mafia boss there was. Not to mention, Vescovi was bossy man. So not only did I share a room with the man I thought was the most intimidating man, but the whole damn world thought of him as intimidating too.

"What's the right answer?" Silvano tilted his head, staring at me through the mirror.

"The honest one."

"Well," he took a deep breath and looked at me as the woman finished my blush and let me stand up. "I just think it's the lips."

I turned to look at Linia, but he wasn't paying attention, so I grabbed a pillow and tossed it to his head, but he caught it. "Yeah, sure, or it could be the fact that you're about to put on the highest high heels I have ever seen." He said, eyeing the heels in the corner of the room by the couch.

"True, you're tall enough, I don't think they should make you look like a giraffe." Silvano agreed, the woman that did my makeup walked out as Vescovi, aka, bossy man, walked in.

I quickly turned to the mirror and grabbed one of the tissues she left and wiped my mouth. Grabbing the nude lipstick, I dotted my lips with it. "We're leaving." Vescovi grumbled out, tossing Silvano a gun. Linia walked out of the room silently, followed by Silvano. I could instantly feel the tension fill the room, but I acted as if I wasn't bothered by it. "Before we go, I do have to tell you that your brother, Yosh-"

"Josh." I corrected him, padding my way to the heels and slipping them on.

"Josh," he muttered before looking up from his stupid phone. "Is here."

I immediately froze, the black straps of my heels stuck in my manicured hands. I could only stare at Vescovi as he bent down to tighten them around my ankles, clearly trying to hurry the process, but I couldn't believe that Josh was alive. I blinked back the tears and breathed in. "Can I see him?" I pleaded as he finished up one ankle and moved to the other one, his fingers moving swiftly.

"He's downstairs with the other guests. I will have you know, though," he said as he pulled out a black, lacy garter out of his pocket and neared me to wrap it around my thigh. "Tonight, you will only smile and shake hands. If they ask you how are you doing, you answer, other than that, pretend you didn't hear it." He huffed, his warmth breath tickling me as he pulled out a gun. "This is for an emergency, if something happens, use it." He pulled me closer as he slipped it inside the garter and I shivered by the cold metal, then his warm hands tracing after the sensation.

"Is he staying here?" I asked him, grabbing his arm as we walked out of the room. I looked at him, anxiously waiting for him to answer.

"No." He stopped in front of an elevator and pressed the button. "Another thing," he let a couple of guards out of the elevator before we got in. "Josh is being hunted right now, they also found out that you're in this mess, which makes you their first target."

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