Chapter 7

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Shortly after Vescovi let me leave to go find Josh, everything was so much closer now. The people were closer, so were the doors, and I was much more aware of things.

"Joshua," I whispered, running up to him, and hugging the life out of him.

"Hey, sis." He muttered back, his arms moving around me tightly.

I pulled back to look at him, and fought back the tears. "You're okay." I stated, smiling as I rubbed my thumbs over his cheeks. He smiled back sadly and nodded, looking behind me.

"Of course I am. How are you?" He looked at my face and I smiled. "I'm so sorry about all of this. I know you don't deserve it, and you had nothing to do with it, and now you're the main target an-"

"Hey," I interrupted his ranting and moved over to the side where the bar was to prevent people from crashing into us. "I know, it sucks, but the point is, it happened, and we can't go back, only now and the future." I paused as a couple passed and brushed right up against us. "I swear, it's like they want to feel us up." I pressed myself closer to the bar as a young man came up.

"Would you guys like a drink?" He asked us, eyeing the ring on my finger, and I immediately brought my hand down to my lap.

"Margarita, please." I ordered but Josh shook his head. I waisted for the bartender to leave before finally speaking. "Vescovi told me about the deal he made with you."

"Deal he made with me?" He scoffed, "there was no deal made, but he did it anyway." He grunted and shook his head, taking my hands in his. "There really is no way out, is there?" He rhetorically questioned, but I shook my head anyways.

"Thank you." I told the young man and took my drink in my hand. "Listen," I got Josh's attention, "I don't really know what this is, or what it means, but I do know that they are serious people, an-"

"It's better off this way." Josh interrupted, smiling sadly. "Vescovi can protect you, he can keep you from the dangers, now more than ever since you will become his wife. That's something I can't do for you, Ayva. It won't matter how hard I try, I will never be able to offer you at least half of the security he will." He sighed, looking around the room again.

"What are you saying?" I tried to understand him.

"I'm saying that I will now be working with Vescovi." His face soured at the mere mention of it, but I didn't see any other solution, unless I wanted to die. I didn't say anything, but downed my drink as Josh left the seat, and walked away to find Vescovi. The young bartender returned and took my glass for a refill, and I gave him a grateful smile.

It was true what Joshua had said. It didn't matter how hard he could try, he wouldn't be able to achieve the amount of fear that almost everybody had for Vescovi. More so if I became his wife, or correction, when I became his wife. I felt my body shiver with the lone thought of becoming his wife. It didn't last long since an older man came to sit in the seat that Josh had been previously sitting in.

"This seat taken, beautiful?" His breath reeked of alcohol, and I moved back a bit.

Forcing a kind smile, I turned to the bartender as he gave me my margarita. "It is now." I murmured, taking a sip of my alcohol.

"A small thing like yourself shouldn't be drinking such alcohol so fast, you could get drunk." He neared me and I cleared my throat, moving back, my level of comfort now falling as he placed his clammy hand on my arm.

I moved farther back and finished my drink quickly before placing the empty glass on the counter. "Sir, please, I like my personal space." I slipped out of his grip and off my seat as the bartender stared warily at me and the older man.

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