Chapter 31

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"Fuck." Carson cursed, his hand going up to his dark hair in a frustrated manner. "Linia, are you sure?" He groaned into his phone as I sighed and rolled over, sitting up to get off our bed. "Fine, dammit, I'll be there in an hour." He snapped, ending the call before tossing his phone onto the floor, carelessly.

"Carson, you don't have to come, it's just a week so that mom can stop complaining about not seeing us. I promise you that the most fun thing that we will probably do in the week is lie in the sun while Matthew is in the pool." I watched his scowl deepen as he tried to think of a way around his schedule to come with us back to Arizona, and handle his work duties. "Babe, it's fine." I smiled, walking back to the bed and crawling on top of his lap, resting my hands on his bare chest. "Work is work, and we'll be back in eight days, you won't even know we're missing."

"Love," he rested his hands on my thighs, sitting up and leaning back against the pillows. "Eight days is too long to be without you guys, besides, it's one work thing, not like it's going to take up all of my week, hell, not even all of today." He said exasperated, his calloused finger drawing circles onto my skin.

"Well, then just take your plane later, we'll leave in our booked flight." I offered, pushing my black hair behind my ears, watching as his green eyes watched me carefully.

"Why don't you just cancel that book flight, and leave with me?" He nuzzled his nose into my neck, pressing a kiss onto my collarbone. "It would make everything easier, and I wouldn't have to worry about you and Matthew's safety." He bit down, a shiver running down my spine. "That way we can just leave whenever I'm done with you?" He growled playfully, his large and warm hands gripping my legs as he flipped us around, tossing the covers to the side before crashing his lips down to mine. I laughed softly, feeling his warm body lie over my own, warming me up immediately.

"Carson, we already paid for it, and it's non-refundable." I felt his hand go under my tee shirt, unhooking my bra as his lips placed small kisses on my neck and jaw.

"So, it's not like it was expensive." He muttered back, his hands busy as he tossed my bra to the side.

"We can't just go around wasting money, Carson." I hissed, feeling his hand go down on my body, landing on top of my panties.

"Less talking, more doing." He whispered huskily into my stomach, his hand moving slowly causing tremors of pleasure to circulate through me. I felt him start to pull them down when our door slammed open, pressing against the wall.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Matthew came running in, his toothless grin spread wide as I reached under me to grab Carson's hand and tug him upward, all traces of lust gone.

"Baby!" I smiled brightly, opening my arms up as he struggled to climb on top of the high bed. "What's happening?" I asked as Carson revealed himself from under the covers, thankfully Matthew was too busy trying to raise himself up that he didn't see Carson.

"Come on, champ." Carson reached over to the edge of the bed and picked up Matthew effortlessly, placing himself beside me. "What's up with you this morning?"

"Silly is here!" He clapped his small hands together as I pressed a kiss to his chubby cheeks.

"Really? Where?" I grabbed his small body and hugged it close to mine. "Oh, you're so cute!" I bombarded his face with kisses, his shrieks of laughter erupting as a soft knock on the door was heard.

"Good morning, hope I didn't wake you guys up." Silvano joked, watching as Matthew struggled to get out of my arms and tumbled down to the floor. We all heard the thump on the ground and I winced, ready for his cries, but instead he giggled.

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