Chapter 14

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I later realized I didn't update Monday, sorry. I hope that if you had the opportunity, you saw that spectacular eclipse. :)

I threw my head back in agony and bit back a groan. I had been hanging by my arms for hours. As soon as we had arrived at the shady warehouse, I was taken to a room and left alone for a while before taken again. The same man that had tied me up took me to another place, an old and raggedy barn that looked as if it was ready to collapse at any given time, and I was secretly hoping it would. At this point, I didn't care if it killed me only, I just wanted to be put down.

I was being asked questions about the business that Carson was running, and since I wasn't being cooperative, they started punishing me. It wasn't even that I didn't want to answer, although it was that, but it was also the fact that I had no fucking clue about what exactly it was that Carson did. All I had gathered while my time being there was that they were the biggest mafia organization in the world, earning the title of also being the most feared. I had also learned that they were from a descendant of Italian mobsters, and that they handled the trading of guns and drugs. They had slowly worked their way up, although they never traded human lives. Sure, they killed and tortured, but never without a reason.

I was secretly hoping that these men were the same. I don't know what I would do if they started abusing their control and start taking advantage that I was helpless and couldn't do anything.

Growling in desperation, I tugged violently on the rope that was tied around my bruised and scratched up wrists, trying to get them undone or loosened to get some relief. I felt the skin only getting more irritated and start stinging more as the rope did it's job and didn't unknot. "Now you do your fucking job?" I cursed and whimper in defeat as my shoulders ached with discomfort. Hell, this wasn't discomfort, this was torture.

"Are you done covering up for your husband?" The man that had previously tied me up entered, a bag of chips in his hand as he happily ate and watched me strain against my rope.

"He's not my husband!" I cried out, tired of getting accused of false statements or bombarded with questions I didn't even know existed. "Please, just put me down, please." I begged and looked at him, hoping to find some humanity in his dark eyes.

"Okay," he agreed and I felt relief flow through my body. "If," he paused and I almost screamed in frustration. "You tell me what you mean to Vescovi." He narrowed his eyes at me and tilted his head to one side a slight bit.

"Nothing!" I thundered, "All I am to him a pawn. He just wanted me because of my brother, my brother killed Morretti."

"That's old news, no one cares anymore." He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Now, we want Vescovi's head, and to do that, we heard about his beloved wife, girlfriend, lover, whatever the hell it is that you are, doesn't matter, serves us the same purpose." He smirked and started to walk off.

"Wait!" I called out, "I answered, you have to set me free now." I pleaded as he turned around and put on a fake thinking face on.

"Really?" He frowned, "I don't recall that. What I do recall, is telling you that I'll be back in a few." He turned back around to walk away.

"Few what?" I whimpered into the lonely room again, pulling at the ties.

I didn't know how much more time I spent with my arms up, holding my body, but they started numbing, and I didn't know if I should have been grateful or scared that perhaps they were going to fall off. I tried not to think of what else they would be doing to me, but rather thought that Carson would now be on his way here. He wouldn't let me die in the hands of a mafia organization, after all, the whole point of him marrying me was to protect me, to keep me safe.

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