Chapter 4

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"Why?" Linia spoke to me from across the table. This had been going on for the last two hours. He'd say something that Josh did, then ask why. I would have to answer, and quite frankly, my creative juices were running low now. 

They still had no clue as to whom I was. They only knew that I went by Collins, my last name, and that everybody was looking for me. I had gotten here and had spent hours without anything. I still didn't have a clue as to where Josh was, and what was going to happen to me, but I was pretty sure they were going to kill me. It didn't matter because if they did kill me, then word would spread that the person who killed Moretti was dead, and everything would calm down, and everyone would leave Josh alone. Everybody wins, except, of course, me. 

"I needed his power." I shrugged, leaning back on the table and looking up at the ceiling. 

"How did you get in?" I could feel his stare penetrating me. 

"I was already part of the group. All I did was win over his trust, and then betray him." 

Linia stayed quiet for a while, not saying anything. I could feel a pain in my neck from straining it upwards so I sat up straight and looked in front at Linia. His eyes were curious, and I could see a smirk playing on his lips. "What gun did you use?" His grey eyes glinted with adventure and I felt my heartbeat race.

"What do you mean?" I faked boredom, looking around the same room for the twentieth time. 

"What gun did you use?" He tilted his head, and I looked straight into his penetrating black eyes.

"I don't remember. Afterwards, chaos went down so forgive me if my memory is failing me." I answered confidently.

"Alright," he smiled and looked down, walking around the room. "Tell me, why did you steal those specific files?" He pondered.

I mentally cursed Joshua for doing whatever it was he did. I shrugged and sighed, "can we be done? I've been at this for hours." 

"Sure," he walked back in front of me, placing his large hands in the table. "Just answer this last question, and we'll be done." 

I silently prayed a quickly, and lied. "For power, I knew those files were very important to him." 

Immediately after I finished my sentence, he smirk widened, and he chuckled. "Who are you?" His eyes narrowed, staring merciless at me. I stayed quiet and fisted my cuffed hands. Crap. "Who the fuck are you?!" He roared, slamming his hands down on the table, his smirk long gone. 

"Ayva Collins." I replied, looking down from his steely gaze. 

"No, you're not." He shook his head, pulling out his phone.

"No, wait!" I raised my voice desperately. I wasn't sure what exactly he was planning on doing to me now that he knew I wasn't the person they wanted, but I also knew that I didn't want to die. "I am Ayva Collins, I promise." I pleaded and he merely stared, his phone lowering on the table, and I continued. "I'm just not the collins you want. I'm his sister. Joshua Collins was the one that killed that Moretti guy, I didn't." I explained, moving my cuffed hands to try to get him to understand with gestures.

"So why did you pretend that you were the one that killed Moretti?" He asked, more calmly now, although I could see the anger he had from the way his black eyes stared me down.

"I was worried for my brother, I know what he did is bad, like, really bad, and I know what you guys are going to do to him." I confessed, ignoring the tears that were pooling in my eyes. If there was one thing I had learned quickly from being near these guys, was that they fed off other people's vulnerability. 

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