Chapter 30

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Knocking softly on the Carson's door, I waited for him to answer so that I could enter. Part of me hoped that he had gone back to sleep, and that I wouldn't have to face him. I was very nervous about seeing him again, especially since it was my fault that he got shot, and to top it off, the last words I said to him before he fell unconscious were my famous "I love you." I had already said it once, and they had gotten me kicked out, who know's what was going to happen now.

"Come in." His low voice sounded muffled, and I breathed in. I had just to play it cool, and pretend nothing happened.

"Hey," I spoke softly, opening the door and stepping in, seeing the nurse that had been taking care of him walk around, injecting more fluids into his wires. "How are you feeling?" I continued, leaving the door open behind me just in case he yelled at me to leave.

"Been better, how are you? I can't remember much after I got shot, did he get you?" His concerned eyes scoured my body, and I felt my eyes widen by his worry. I didn't expect him to be this calm and caring, perhaps it is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

"No," I shook my head, stopping at the foot of the bed and leaning against the furniture. "We're all fine." I paused, not really knowing what to say. The nurse finished changing the fluids, and gathered her things, ready to leave. "Uhm," I cleared my throat, feeling his intense gaze of me. "I just wanted to apologize, for everything, I know that the only reason you were ever in that position was because of me, and I will understand if you no longer want to maintain contact with me, I actually don't even kn-"

"Ayva, please." Carson chuckled, wincing as he tried to sit up, pushing his arm back to fix the pillows, but I could see his struggle.

"Here, I'll just," I paused, walking over to his side and wrapping an arm around his neck, pushing a pillow behind him so that he could sit up. "There, better?" I asked, retracting myself, but his hand took ahold of my own.

"Ayva," he spoke, his voice was low and serious, and I almost wanted to faint, I knew what was coming, it was deja vu. "I want you to hear me out on this, to just try to understand me, after this, then I will understand if you leave." He started, looking straight at me.

"Vescovi," I took my other hand, placing it on his to try to pry my hand out of his. "I know where I'm not wanted, and trust me, I still remember the last 'get out of here' speech, so it's fine, no need to repeat it. I just came because Silv-"

"This isn't listening, Ayva." Carson smiled, amusement in his eyes as I rambled for the second time, but I didn't find any amusement in this conversation.

"Right, just, say what you need to say." I nodded, looking away from his eyes and retracting my free hand, his hand warm hand still holding my own nervous one.

"Two years ago, when those men took you, I blamed myself for everything. I knew that the only reason they wanted you was to ruin me, and they were right. Ayva, there isn't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do to protect you, and that scares the hell out of me. If things came down to it, I would give up my business, my life, just to keep you safe from this, and that's what I did. Seeing you so broken and hurt after I held you in my arms, I knew that this wasn't the right world for you, you're too pure, too beautiful for me, so I thought it was best to give you up. That's why I kicked you out, I used that woman to make you hate me because I knew it would be easier for you to leave hating me than loving me. Knowing that you loved me, baby, that's the best thing a woman like you can say to any man, but I didn't want it to be the last thing you said, so I sent you away. During those two years, every day was a living hell for me, I missed your smile, your eyes, I missed having you around so fucking much, but I thought you were fine. It wasn't until a week ago when your brother admitted to me that you had been attacked during those two years, that you had been in danger all that time. That was also the time when you're parents were worried and asked Josh if he had heard from you, you had been missing all week. I was furious with your brother, I wanted to shoot him for not telling me about the danger that you were in, so I came with him to find you. Ayva, if something were to happen to you, I couldn't live with it, I can't live without you my love, I love you, and if you still love me, then don't leave me. I know I don't deserve your love, I know that, but I need to know, will you, Ayva Collins, marry me?" He reached beside me, the nightstand and with difficulty, he pulled out a dark red, small box, snapping it open to reveal a beautiful engagement ring.

I stared down at the ring, it was a new ring, a ring that held so many diamonds, it was beautiful, but I couldn't believe Carson's confession, every word had me shocked, and I was sure that I looked like an idiot by just staring at him with my mouth slightly open, still not knowing what to say.

"Carson," I gulped, looking down at his hand that held the ring and then back at his green eyes that I had learned to love, that I still loved. "I, are you sure? You know you can't ask a woman to marry you, and then change your mind, it's no-"

"Ayva, my love, I have never been so sure of anything else, so please, what's your answer?" He smiled.

"Carson Vescovi, once you slip that ring on, there's no turning back, you can forget about the other mafia men, there won't be any one more willing to kill you than me if you end things after this." I joked, accepting his proposal. "Yes, I'll marry you."

I felt his fingers curl around my hand, slipping the cold metal ring around my ring finger before raising it up to his lips. "I may be wounded, but I'm still a man, and I'd like to kiss my woman now." He chuckled, bringing me down by tugging on my arm. I smiled, sitting down on the bed beside him, careful not to touch him as I pressed my lips against his, feeling his warm hand come up to my face, cupping my jaw as he tugged me closer.

I backed away, pulling away from him, afraid to hurt him too much. "Let's just stick to holding hands for now, I don't want you to get worse, especially since I still have to give you hell for taking that bullet for me."

"When are you going to learn, my love, there isn't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do for you." He laced our fingers together, watching me with adoring eyes and I nodded.

"What changed your mind? About us, I mean." I asked, looking at his face, the bruises that were there a week a ago were almost all gone.

"A wise man told me that it didn't matter how far away or how close to danger you were, that the safest place would always be beside the person that would do anything for you, and I've got to say, I'm pretty sure that there two or three others that would be pretty willing to, but none will surpass the love that I hold for you." He smiled, looking down for a moment. "What I do want to know, is why you didn't tell me you were pregnant? Or when the miscarriage happened, if I had known, love, I would've been more careful with you, I wo-"

"It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't my fault either, actually, t-"

"Of course not, who told you it was?" Carson frowned, raising my hand and pressing a kiss to my palm.

"Myself," I admitted, looking down at his bandaged midsection. "I spent months trying to understand everything. I didn't even know I was pregnant, but if I had, Carson, I can't say this enough, I promise with my life that I would've done anything to protect him."

"I know, love, I know, but if you would've told me, I could've helped you go through it. Is that why you were so hellbent on protecting that baby?" He questioned, rubbing circles onto my hand.

"Yeah, and I've actually spoken with his uncle, and he agreed to hand the custody over to me, we both agreed that the baby needs to have a mother figure, and I know that I love him as my son, I know you didn't sign up to being a father, and it might b-"

"I'm with you, always, Ayva, never doubt my allegiance to you, my love, whatever you decide to do, I'm with you." He insisted, tugging my hand down and leaning up to press a kiss against my lips.

Words couldn't express my happiness at the moment. The man that I had spent my days loving actually loved me back, I had adopted a beautiful son, I was getting married, the only problem that I had at the moment were my parents, but I knew that with Carson by my side, I could face anything.

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