Chapter 25

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I could feel cold sweat run down my spine as the barrel of the gun pressed against the space between my brows. Cassandra's gasp was loud in the silent room as I stared back at the poker-faced men behind the one with the gun.

"We've been trying to get to you, Ayva, long time now, but, it seemed as that brother of yours did a damn well job at preventing us from getting you, but as everyone, we all have our good days and our bad ones, today just so happens to be our good one, and your bad one." He smirked before pointing the gun behind me and his finger pulling the trigger, making the bullet move silently through the room.

"No!" I cried, pushing the gun out of the man's hands. The gun landed on the floor with a bounce and I pushed my long legs to kick it back, out of reach and under the bed, shoving the man back with all of my power.

"Get them." The man growled, wrapping his arms around me, preventing me from moving my upper body, but I continued to kick and struggle with all my might.

"Please!" I stilled myself when I saw Cassandra's lifeless body on the floor, blooding staining her shirt. One man grabbed her arms and dragged her to the bathroom, leaving a trial of her red blood on the white floor. "I'll do anything, just don't hurt them." I begged as the other man pointed his gun at Jasmine's head, her tears falling down endlessly. "Please, I'll tell you everything and anything I know, you can do whatever you want to me, but please, don't do anything to them." I begged as the man ushered a crying Jasmine out of bed.

"Sounds tempting, but that's up to boss, he only wants you." The man grabbed my hands and held them back, pushing the barrel of the gun against my back, digging it deeply as I watched in horror how Jasmine quickly put on her shoes and jeans while holding Matthew closely to her.

"Boss? Who? Vescovi?" I growled out, thinking if Vescovi really wanted me dead that much.

"No, that's who you're going to take down." The man gritted out as he let the man with Jasmine go ahead. "Here are the rules," he barked out as the other guy came out of the bathroom, moving towards Jasmine. "You pretend that everything is fine, otherwise, another bullet goes through blondie over there, got it?" He grounded as I saw Jasmine plead to the man who had dragged Cassandra's body into the bathroom to not take her baby.

"The baby stays with her." I growled, glaring at the man holding me. "You take him, and I won't speak a word." I threatened as the man chuckled darkly.

"The baby leaves with who I say, otherwise, he dies, too. You decide." He pointed the gun at Jasmine's head and I wrestled my body in between them.

"Fine, but that gun never fires another bullet." I watched with broken heart as the man ripped Matthew from Jasmine's arms.

"No! Ayva, please!" Jasmine cried out, turning to look at me with pleading eyes.

"The baby bag." I pointed at the bag on the couch. The man kept his eyes and gun pointed at me while he walked backwards, grabbing the baby bag before coming back to me.

"Walk forward, ladies, remember, nothing is happening." He shoved me ahead, leading the way with his arm gripping my own, the other hand holding the gun that was pressing against my back. "Open the door." He demanded and I obliged, scared that he wouldn't go against his word and actually kill Jasmine and the baby. "There's a back door at the end of the hallway, and outside is a white van waiting, you'll get in without a peep."

I nodded and threw a cautious glance behind me to see Jasmine's crying face looking back to the man that was holding Matthew. My heart clenched at the mere thought that the baby could get hurt just because of who I was.

Focusing back on the exit door, I ignored the nurses around us who rushed around and went inside rooms. I pushed the door open with my shaking hands and walked outside, the white van parked in the corner, another man standing in front, waiting for orders. I walked forward when something clamped down on my arm and pulled me back, freeing me of the man that had been previously holding me.

"What the fuck?" The man hissed and my eyes went immediately to Jasmine and the baby, who were just exiting the building. "Collins!" The man hissed angrily, "I warned you." He snarled and fired another shot, straight into Jasmine's head.

"No!" I cried, throwing myself from whoever's grip was holding me back.

"Ayva, no!" A man wrapped their arm around me, bringing me back, away from the vulnerable baby.

"Let me go!" I hissed, tears blurring my vision, watching in panic when the sick man that killed Cassandra and Jasmine pointed to the gun to the baby's head. "Please, no, the baby." I scraped my long nails against the hands that were holding me back.

"Ayva, it's me." The man insisted, turning my around and I saw Vescovi's face come into view. "Calm down, I'm not going to let them hurt you." He assured me, but that wasn't what I cared about.

"Vescovi, please, Matthew!" I cried, taking a chance from my squirming and slipping out of his grip, running straight into the other men, pushing his gun off of the baby's head. "Please, don't, I'm here." I pried the man's arms off of Matthew and pressed the baby to my chest, carefully supporting his head and back, protecting his body from the sick man's gun. "I'm here." I repeated, turning my body so that the gun was pointing only at me.

"Fuck, let her go!" Vescovi growled from the other side, and I turned around to see that Silvano, Josh and Linia were also with him, and they were all pointing guns at the men surrounding us. "The problem is with me, not her, let her go." He glowered at the man beside me, who moved the gun to my head, I merely closed my eyes, holding the baby against my body.

"Not a chance, Vescovi, although, I'm sure the boss could be open to a deal." He pondered, lowering his gun.

"Just let the her go, she doesn't know anything." Linia spoke up, stepping up beside Vescovi and I prayed that they would just shut up, they weren't helping the situation.

"We'll see about that, now, not a step closer, or a bullet goes through the woman and the child." The man shoved me to the other men, who walked over and opened the door to the white van.

"Deal," Vescovi spoke up, the men around me stopping to listen as his panicked eyes scoured over me. "I go with you guys, and your boss gets both, her and me." I fought the urge to fight against his word. What the hell was he thinking? They were only going to kill me, now they were going to kill us both.

"What's the catch?" The man narrowed his eyes, the gun still pointing at me

"No catch," Vescovi guaranteed, dropping his gun to the floor and raising his arms. "Just me and her, my men don't follow and they also give up their guns." Vescovi turned to Silvano who stared with widened eyes. Josh dropped his gun without a second doubt and Linia warily threw it on the ground, but Silvano kept his ground, and I was glad that he wasn't losing his mind.

"What? That's absurd!" I finally blurted, watching all eyes turn on me. "Just take me, that's all your boss wanted." I watched as the man who killed Cassandra and Jasmine turned to me, nearing me with the gun and I made sure that Matthew's tiny body was completely covered.

"Think about it!" Vescovi called out again, making the man's step falter. "It's double the reward for you."

The man stayed quiet for a while, looking back at Vescovi and then at me. "Kick your guns towards me, get them in the van." The man demanded while the men surrounding me pushed me forward, closer to the white van. I heard the scraping of guns and more footsteps as I gripped the baby with one arm and grabbed at the door with the other, trying to push myself upwards.

"Hands off." I snapped at a man who tapped my bottom, messing up my steps as I retracted back.

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself." I heard Vescovi warn behind me as his hands grabbed at my hips and pushed me up into the van safely.

Taking my steps carefully, I walked down the side to the end and carefully placed myself down, holding Matthew's body to me as I felt Vescovi sit beside me, his arm stretching in front of me to block me from the man that came in, a gun pointing at me. I forced myself to look away from the man, focusing at the baby that slept quietly instead.

I caressed his cheek carefully, vowing to protect him with all my might. Jasmine had been killed and so had Cassandra, all this baby had was me, and I wasn't going to let him down.

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