Chapter 12

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I grumpily sat in the back of a meeting room, waiting patiently for Carson to finish his damn speech.

I had been awoken by Linia after sleeping all day long, that Carson wanted to see me. I had gotten in the shower and changed as quickly as possible, despite the pounding headache I had, and got here only to find that Carson's meeting had been increasing in time. It had been thirty minutes, and I was still sitting here, bored out of my mind. I even started to count the amount of guns that were in the room, but I didn't even finish when Carson was walking up to me, snapping me out of my addition trance.

I quickly stood up, watching as men slowly disappeared out of the room as some even stopped by to shake my hand and congratulate Carson and I on our engagement. Once everyone was for sure out of the room, I slumped back down in the seat.

"Did you really have to wake me and drag me into this long ass meeting just to yell at me?" I complained, staring back at the empty wall in front of me.

"You were sleeping?" He questioned, his hands inside his suit's pants' pockets.

"Carson," I looked up at him, annoyed, "I'm tired, I only just want to sleep." Carson merely stared before nearing me and placing his warm hand on my forehead. I fought the shiver that was crawling up my spine. I couldn't let him affect me this much anymore, I didn't want to be disappointed anymore, so I knocked his hand off as he frowned. "I'm fine, I'm just tired." I grumbled and leaned back against the chair.

"Well," he watched me intently, "I wasn't going to yell at you, I just wanted to clear some things up-"

"Couldn't you have done this tomorrow?" I whined, sitting back in my seat and covering my face with my hands. "Carson, I have a pounding headache and I want to re-"

"That's called a hangover from drinking past your limit." He snapped, and I rolled my eyes.

"Just spit out what you want to say so that I can leave." I leaned back and laced my fingers together, placing them on my bare thighs.

"It's about our marriage." He started off and I felt restlessness course through my body. He was going to tell me about that blonde woman who he had been having a dandy time with the other day.

"I threw your engagement ring the other night, so don't worry, you won't have to take that from me, no strings attached now."

"What are you talking about?" He scowled, taking his hands out of his pant's pockets and reaching inside his suit jacket.

"I mean, that you won't have to bother taking the ring from me, you know, to give it to the other woman, I lost it." I shrugged as I saw him pull out a black velvet box.

"I know you threw it, and what other woman?" He frowned, the small box still in his large hand.

"Carson, you can stop playing stupid now." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know I'm not the woman you want to marry, I also know you no longer need me to get the information from my brother, and th-"

"What? Your brother hasn't given me anythi-"

"Really?" I arched and eyebrow, leaning forward, and resting my elbows on my knees. "Silvano let it slip the other day, just like he said that you guys like to fool around with the women here."

He clenched his jaw and moved neared me, trapping me against the wall as he placed his arms on either side of me and leaned down. "How about you tell me what's going on between you and Silvano, huh? I don't ever see you getting that comfortable around your own fiancé." His intense eyes filled with anger stared back at mine as I pulled back, crossing my arms.

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