Chapter 15

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I had been rubbing my shoulders and wrists all day long. From the second that the man let me down, to now, and it was getting close to the end of my third day here, still, no sign of Carson. I still wasn't sure if I was glad that he wasn't putting his life at risk for me, or downhearted that he hadn't already showed up to save me from the other punishments this man had coming towards me.

"Daydreaming again, are we?" The man entered, a smirk plastered onto his giddy face, and I only scowled, looking away from his unpleasant presence. "I only came here to say goodbye, as a courtesy, of course, although I will miss your beautiful dark locks." He neared me, and since I was handcuffed, I could only try to swat his hands away from my hair, but he took ahold of them, carelessly rubbing the hard metal against my cuts, and pulled them down. "Your gorgeous eyes," he neared my face, causing me to turn away. "Bitch, I have been nothing, but kind to you, look at me!" He hissed, his other hand sneaking behind my neck, grasping my hair and pulling it back roughly to make me look at him. I could feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes, but I refused to show weakness in front of him. "But most of all," his eyes became darker as his disgusting, grabby hand let go of my hair and trailed it down my spine, moving to the side of my hips and reaching behind me.

"No!" I cried out, my voice muffled by the handkerchief that was blocking the air to enter from my mouth while I gasped, and pulled back from his repulsive grab at my butt.

"What?" He asked innocently, trailing his hands upwards on my hips, onto my waist. "Don't like that? Too low?" He questioned, faking concern, "how about a little higher?" His hand crept upwards onto my breast, and I felt him suddenly grip so hard, I felt my tears slide down and I hated myself for it. He took another chance to grope my other breast.

"Stop!" I kicked my legs towards his and ripped my hands from his grasp, pushing back against his sloppy chest, not caring of the sting that bit through the delicate skin around my wrists.

"Hey!" He raised his voice, his legs encasing my own as he climbed over me, and raised my now bleeding wrists above my head. "Fucking calm down, we're just enjoying ourselves." He smirked and his dirty eyes wandered down. I pushed my leg away from his and raised it to kick him in the balls, but failed miserably when the blow landed on the inside of his thigh, probably only causing a bruise. "Like it rough, now don't we?" He got ahold of my legs again, this time, his grip was stronger, making it almost impossible for me to slip out. I felt his wet tongue glide across my tear-stained cheek, and I thrashed my hands out, managing to hit his face.

"James!" A new voice called out and I didn't know whether to feel relieved, or scared. "What are you doing, man? You said five minutes, let's go!" He rushed my attacker, James. A name that would now be forever branded into my head.

"Coming." James answered gruffly as he stood up, and I felt satisfied to see that I had managed to cut his brow, blood starting to seep out and trial down. He lifted his hand to his face and pulled it back to see the red liquid staining his fingers. "What the fuck?" He growled to himself before laying his furious gaze upon my body that was still on the ground. "Such a shame that a pretty face like yours is going to be wasted." He snarled at me before moving his leg back, and I instantly closed my eyes, feeling his pointed shoe land a brutal kick onto my stomach.

I bit my tongue down, prohibiting myself to let out a shriek of agony. I could almost feel the rough material of the shoe touch my ribcage directly. I kept my eyes closed, curling myself up as I listened to his footsteps walk away before the final sound of the door shutting alerted me of his absence. I finally let out a grunt of pain, and opened my eyes only to see blurry images.

I blinked past the tears and struggled to move onto my back so that my ribs wouldn't be squished together. I could feel it scrunch in pain and a sob escape my throat causing my chest to rumble and my stomach to wheeze in even more pain. I moved my bleeding wrists over my mouth to pull down the wet rag that had dampened with my tears. I dragged it down my dry lips and gasped out for air when it was finally down. I reached out with my tongue, running it over my chapped lips.

I closed my eyes, and prayed that Carson would find me, I couldn't be here, I thought I could, but I couldn't, it was becoming too much. I could taste the metallic savor that my blood had, and I forced myself to swallow it.

"Oh my," a low voice chuckled from beside me, but with dizziness making everything circle around, I didn't move to look at him directly. "James did quite a number on you, didn't he?" He speculated, his voice was new to me, I hadn't heard it before. He tsked a couple of time when I heard his voice becoming closer, and I knew he had crouched down to my level. "I'll give him a warning next time I see him, although he did say you didn't cooperate much. Such a shame." He sighed before I could finally see his figure step over me. "You know, you've been here for three days, and I haven't seen Vescovi appear anywhere," his face became clearer and I could see that he was an older man, but he still seemed intimidating and powerful. "If he doesn't show up, I'd like to let you know that someone of your kind would be truly appreciated here, for your loyalty, of course." He rambled on about something else, but I couldn't help but to wonder about Carson.

What was he doing at the moment? Was he thinking of a plan to come and save me? Had Linia already told him what had happened? Was Carson even trying to rescue me? Or was he out and about with his new victim? That lone thought made my heart race against my chest, and I could feel the pumping of blood disturb my sure-to-be-broken ribs.

"Now, I'm going to leave you, but I want to let you know that tomorrow, I'll be back, and I will bring a couple of," he paused, and I swallowed another mouthful of blood, wincing as it burned my throat. "Utensils, shall I call them for lack of better wording, so, goodnight, love, rest well." He sneered sickeningly, and I didn't respond, grunting as I moved father back against the wall to rest my head, trying to prevent the blood from continuing to rise.

I heard him close the door and the lights in the room flicker slightly, but thankfully, they didn't turn off completely. I could hear wolves cry out in the distance, and I thought for a second if they could smell my blood. The mere thought of them hunting me didn't bother me as much as the thought of humans hunting me as well. Amazing what the same kind of species will do to each other just for the sake of power.

Where the fuck did all that power go when we died? It certainly didn't follow us to hell, or heaven, but let's be honest, anyone who has power doesn't get it from being a goody-two-shoes. Thinking about power, I wondered how Josh was moving along the scale of power. If Carson didn't come after me, surely Josh had to notice that I was missing! I could only hope that now that I was out of the picture, Carson didn't go ahead and kill Josh. What if Josh and I both died, then what would happen to our parents?

Had my father investigated his way through to find us? Had my mother had a heart attack when she found out I was missing? Hell, did they even know if I was missing? Josh had to tell them, of course. And what had he told them? He couldn't have told them that I was kidnapped by the mafia, that would put them in grave danger.

I could only shudder at the mere thought of them being in the state that I was in. For a mere second, I was glad that I was the one in this situation, and not them. If anything happened to them, I would never forgive myself or Josh.

Coughing up a storm, I felt my ribcage clench in suffering as I spat out blood. I leaned to the side and raised my hands to my chest in hope of calming myself so that I didn't damage  my ribcage anymore than it already was. I had to try to stay alive, if not for my parents, then for myself. I also had to find answers to all of these questions. I couldn't leave not knowing if they were safe, knowing if they were hurting.

I had to say goodbye to them, too. I wanted my mother to embrace me in her warm hugs that only mothers could give. I wanted my dad to whisper reassuringly into my ear that everything was okay, to feel my mom's kiss against my forehead as her smell brought peace into the world. I needed to, at least, have another moment like that with them before I died.

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