Chapter 27

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"This is ridiculous!" I raised my voice, trying to push past the guards in front of me. "I'll tell you anything, just stop!" I shrieked, watching as Vescovi spit out blood, his dress shirt covered in red from the blood that had fallen from his face. The man surrounding him raised his fist again and I watched in excruciating pain as he landed another punch against Vescovi's jaw. I could feel desperation settle in my aching stomach. He was losing an exasperating amount of blood from how hard the cruel men were landing their fists against his face. "He has two trusting workers that know everything, they know more than me!" I blurted, trying to get the main man to stop his dogs from hurting Vescovi anymore.

The man nodded to the men that were hurting Vescovi, and they took a step back as I trying to catch my breath from how fast my heart was racing. "Tell me more, Collins." The man smiled, waiting for me to continue.

"Ayva, stop talking, I can take it." Vescovi coughed, leaning his head back, his dark hair stuck to his forehead, sticky with his blood.

"No, I'm not going to be responsible for any more deaths." I shook my head, looking back at the man in charge. "Just ask me what you want to know, I'll answer, just don't hurt him, please." I begged, feeling the guards in front of me push me back when I tried to go to Vescovi.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Vescovi spat out, his eyes glaring at the men as blood fell from his temple. "She won't be talking."

"Vescovi," the man in charge turned, looking at Vescovi straight in the face, "let the lady speak for herself, no? Word around is that she isn't married to you, so you can't make decisions for her, now, shut up so I can hear what she has to say." The man reached to pat Vescovi's face harshly, drawing his hand back, blood staining it. "Ayva, tell me, how long were you with this man for?" He asked me, grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his bloodied hands.

"Uhm," I stuttered, trying to count the months and weeks that had passed by. "I-" I paused, thinking back. It had been two years since Vescovi kicked me out, and the months and days were blurry from my spent with him. "I can't remember, it was a lon-"

"Gentlemen." The man in charge snapped his fingers, the men that had hurt Vescovi walking back towards him again, wasting no time to put their rough hands on him again, only this time, they weren't only aiming for his face, but his stomach and chest, too.

"No!" I cried out, pushing past the guards, but their grip was too much for me, especially since it was two of them against me. "I-" I mentally did counts of the months and days. "Please," I begged, "I just need som- five months!" I almost screamed, remembering what my mom had said when I returned. "It was five months and a week, just stop!" I watched angrily as the men beat Vescovi so harshly, that the chair to which he was tied onto tipped back from the force.

"Alright." The man I charge nodded, waving his hand slightly so that his dogs could step away from Vescovi, but his movement was so small, I feared that the guards wouldn't see it, save they did. I let the guards in front of me push me back, watching in pain as Vescovi wrestled to sit upright, but I knew that the ropes were too tight. "That child, who's the father?"

"I don't know." I responded truthfully and he scoffed.

"Please, do you get around that much?" His eyes darkened as he got closer to me, but still on the other side of the guards that blocked my way to Vescovi.

"No, it's from another woman, but he has no one, so I took him as my own." I explained, feeling my heart tighten at the thought of losing that poor angel that hadn't even been in this world for more than week and was already in this disgusting organization that these men called a business.

"Hmm, interesting." He tilted his head back and turned away from me, pacing back and forth, nearing Vescovi a bit before he stopped to look down at him. "Tell me, your records say that you had a miscarriage, is that true? Is that why you're so infatuated with the baby?"

"What?" I frowned, remembering how I had asked the private doctor to keep his mouth shut, Vescovi didn't even know about it, how the hell did this man find out? "That's not on an-"

"Turns out you little doctor has quite a bit of a big trap, and well, with just enough money, I convinced him of giving up some private information, of course, along with other treats that I had assigned to him." He smirked, still looking down at Vescovi. "Now you know who your mole is, but that doesn't matter, by the end of today, that won't be your only problem." He chuckled darkly to himself before kicking his leg back and then forward, landing an agonizing blow at Vescovi's stomach, and I was sure that the man had damaged something internally.

"Stop!" I cried out, pushing back against the guards again, ignoring their strong grip when their fingers dug into the flesh of my arm, pulling me back and then holding me in place. "I told you what you wanted to know, just stop!" I pleaded, tugging my arms outward so that the guards would let go, but it was impossible. The only thing that I was doing was the giving the brutal man more pleasure to see me squirming with hatred and to cause Vescovi more pain.

"Take her away, I want to let Vescovi watch what I do to his charming, young lady." He ordered, causing the guards to grab my arms and toss me over their shoulders, one took ahold of my legs, making sure I didn't move them to hurt them.

"Please, just- for the love of God, please!" I begged them, watching as they exited the room and Vescovi getting another round full of kicks to his tied up body.

"Don't believe in him." One of the guards carrying me muttered carelessly, taking turns to the hallways. "Just keep your trap shut, it'll be better in the end if you do." He stopped at a door and opened it, walking inside before I was recklessly thrown back, managing to barely land on the mattress of the bed. He walked out, slamming the door behind him.

I fought the urge to let out a string of curse words when I saw the nurse standing in the corner, carrying my little bundle of joy. I blinked back the tears of anger that surged through me, knowing that there was nothing that I could do to help Vescovi.

"Thank you, Dorothy." I whispered, getting off the bed and walking over to her, taking Matthew into my arms. "Has he eaten?" I looked down at the sleeping angel, feeling a slight bit of relief course through me knowing that he was going to be okay no matter what, I could protect him and I wasn't going to let him get hurt.

"No, ma'am." She murmured back, walking over to his crib and pulling out a bottle and the formula. "I'll prepare it." She offered and I nodded, pushing back my black locks and cradling the warm body that was in my arms. I listened as she shook the bottle, mixing the formula well before I could feed it when I heard a loud bang, the sound similar to one of a bomb.

Freezing in place, I looked at Dorothy who had on a fearful face, her blue eyes wide with fear. I stayed still, moving only my arms to lull Matthew so that he wouldn't wake up. Nothing else was heard and I prayed that it was only a shot fired near by or that we had misheard.

"Just hand me the bottle, and prepare a baby bag, will you?" I thanked her as she nodded obediently and handed me the baby bottle, then moving back to grab the bag. I untucked the baby's blanket and looked down to his face, seeing him fast asleep, but I also knew that if he didn't eat now, his sleeping and feeding schedule would switch up and it takes me days to get it back on track. As I moved the bottle near his mouth, the same bombing sound erupted once more, only now, it was closer, and I could hear heavy footsteps and voices outside my door. "Dorothy, come." I waved her over as she threw in some baby clothes and a formula can inside the baby bag. "I need you to promise me something, okay?" I whispered hurriedly, feeling panic arise in me as gunshots started breaking the silence and I was sure that Matthew was going to wake up at any moment now. "If something were to happen to me, I need you to take this child, and promise me that you will protect him with all you have, please, Dorothy, he's all I have." I pleaded her, looking into her blue, shocked eyes. "Dorothy?" I snapped my fingers, trying to get her back.

"Yes, ma'am, but the bos-" she started and I pushed past her, holding my baby close to me and grabbing the necessary items I needed for him.

"Promise, Dorothy!" I reminded her, tossing her the bag so that she could zip it up when another loud bombing sound dropped down our door.

"Promise, Ms. Collins." She shrieked as two, tall men entered, and I felt my heart drop.

"Hey, princess."

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