Chapter 5

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My legs were trembling from the sudden force I had to use to not fall on my body. I could still feel the tingling sensation on my knees, the one you get from jumping off something too high, and having to stiffen your legs to not fall and eat the ground. Good news was that I had successfully landed from the third floor, and managed to not break my ass. Now, I was running from the back of the building to see if I could at least make it into the woods that were beside me. Bad news was that there was legit nothing else besides the building that I was being held in. I was now running for my life because the last thing that happened while I was in the building was Silvano checking up on me. I didn't know if he had already informed the others that I was gone or if he was looking for me by himself. Only thing I did know, was that I had to hurry to try to get out of here because who know's how long it's going to take for them to come and get me.

I also didn't know how many men there were in the building. It was pretty big, at least twenty floors, but I didn't know if every one was being used. Also, the bossy man wasn't there, I had heard that he had a client he needed to attend, so he'd be gone for a while.

I had made it inside the forest or woods, whatever the hell it was, when I started hearing yelling and cars moving. I looked behind me momentarily to find men coming at me, two of those Silvano and Linia. I let out a cry of pain when I pushed my legs forward to try to get away. I had long legs, I knew that, but I was also tired, and the fucking grass was so high, making it hard to run quickly. I started circling trees and weaving around to lose them, but screamed when I heard shots being fired. I didn't want to look back from the fear that one would fly right through my face, but I also knew they were close because of their jagged breaths.

"Stop firing!" Linia hollered, out of breath too. "No guns, no shooting!" He demanded and my legs and chest started to burn. I felt my vision starting to blur and my throat burn from the dryness, but I huffed out and pushed myself to go further.

"Why not?!" Silvano growled, "we won't reach her!" He panted and soon enough, his voice faded back. I was guessing that he stopped running because soon enough I couldn't hear his breath anymore. I tried to take another turn, but I was yanked back.

"Dammit Ayva!" Linia gasped for breaths, and I did too.

I gripped his other arm for support and panted. "I can't breathe." I said, my vision filling up with black dots.

"Yeah," he coughed, his chest rumbling. "Neither can I."

"No!" I gasped and put my hand on my throat, pulling at the tee shirt that seemed to be choking me. Coughing harshly, I desperately tried to breathe, and to call out Linia's name, but I couldn't anymore.

"What the fuck happened?!" A loud man's voice boomed and I instantly knew it was the bossy man.

"Boss," Linia's voice sounded distant, despite the fact that he was right beside me.

"Get her, now!" The bossy man bellowed as my knees failed to keep my upright.

"Linia," I tried reached for him again, but couldn't even make it before I completely fell, my body shutting down.

I felt myself wake up with a jolt, breathing in full gulps of air, only to start choking. I threw my legs off the bed and placed my hands on my knees, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. I finally stabilized myself, and looked up to find a man standing in the corner of the room.

"About time," he gave me bored glance. Bossy man.

"What do you want?" I coughed out, leaning back against the pillows and winced at my aching legs.

"To rip your head off." He snapped, walking closer. "Do you know for how long you had my men out there, scattered, trying to find a grown-ass woman like a damn child?" He narrowed his eyes at me, but I kept my gaze on him. "Twenty minutes, twenty fucking minutes of my time wasted!" He looked down at me and shook his head. "I was at a very important meeting and I get the phone call that Ayva Collins decided to grow balls and fucking leave."

"If you treated me like an adult, then maybe I wouldn't have run like a child. Hell, I'm sure even children aren't stupid enough to stay in your co-"

"Show me you're an adult, and I'll treat you like a damn adult." He snapped back before I could even finish my sentence.

I glowered at him and stood up, knowing very well he could kill me at any time, but right now, my fury was bigger. "If your men hadn't been so careless, we wouldn't have this problem." I concluded and walked over to the door. Trying to open it, I found the 'Boss''s hand over it, blocking me in.

"Precisely the reason why you're here," he continued, his hot breath on my ear. "Since I can't trust my men to be able to control you, I'll have to do it myself." He reached for the lock and inserted the key in, locking us in before removing the key, and walking away from me.

"What?" I turned around, searching for his tall and muscled frame through the dark room.

"Exactly what you heard," his voice filled the room with dread. "You will now be with me at all times. This is what happens when you decide to make stupid decisions." He grunted, and left for the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

I flinched from the harsh sound and leaned back against the door. Great, now I had to be with the most intimidating man for the rest of my time here, but that's okay, because I would make sure he hated my guts by the end of tomorrow. He'll just have to send me back with Silvano or Linia or whoever he wants, but I'm not planning on staying with him.

I walked over to the bed and huffed while angrily ripping the sheets off the bed and climbing in. My hair was still damp from my earlier shower so I moved it to the side and kicked my shoes off. I wasn't exactly sure on the rules that were going to be set on this stupid arrangement, but since I wasn't planning on staying, I didn't really care. I closed my eyes and relaxed against the covers.

Sleep wasn't going to come easy, so I thought about how cool I was by jumping off the third floor and down to the ground. I still couldn't believe I did that, and had managed to have everyone scampering around the facility searching for me. The fact that I also didn't get shot while running was a miracle. They were either really bad at aiming, or the man upstairs didn't want me to die just yet.

I clenched the covers with my fists to my body as I felt the bed dip with the bossy man's muscular body. "If you try anything, I swear I'll screa-"

"I don't want anything to do with you, let's make that clear." His low voice rumbled, and I felt a sting. Okay, fine, but he didn't have to be that rude. "And even if you screamed with all your might, everyone works for me, and knows not interfere with my businesses."

I ignored the shiver that ran up my spine. He could kill me and everyone would turn the other cheek like it was completely normal, and to them, it was, but for me, not so much.

I stayed quiet the rest of the night, even as the bossy man's breathing became deeper, and as the room got colder. I couldn't help but wonder what was coming next into my life, and what was happening with Joshua. Was he still alive? Did he manage to escape? Or was he still stuck, but were the Bambino people now torturing him? I closed my eyes and tried to rid of that thought. I had to believe that he was okay, otherwise, why was I trying all of these death-resulting things?

Besides, if he died, these people would be the first to know, and then they would just kill me because they wouldn't need me anymore. Goodness, if that happened, what about our parents? They would be left in the dark about everything. They wouldn't know if we were killed, if were kidnapped and still alive, or if we just got stranded somewhere and were just missing. So many questions and none of them resulted with an answer.

No doubt, I was royally fucked.

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