Chapter 24

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"Hurry! It's hurting more!" Jasmine cried out while I looked through my review mirror for any police cars, and stepped on the gas when I didn't see any.

"I'm trying Jasmine, but I can't just ignore the speeding limits, if a policeman stops us, it'll end up taking longer." I tried to calm her down while zooming past other cars on the freeway.

"You try pushing out a baby out of your vagina!" She growled while Cassandra counted the breaths Jasmine was taking. I concentrated on not crashing us against a car or pole, trying to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

See, earlier, we had been having breakfast at Jasmine's, and breakfast became lunch, but while we were making lunch, the baby boy decided that he was done waiting around, and Jasmine's water broke. She had packed her own personal bag and another one full of baby essentials for when Matthew was born, and then called the hospital to let them know we were coming, to reserve a room. Jasmine wasn't complaining of painful contractions at the moment, but after an hour of packing and getting everything ready, they started becoming more prominent. Getting in my car, I began driving towards the nearest hospital, but with everything in the town being rebuilt and the town becoming bigger and bigger, the nearest hospital was about forty minutes away. Twenty minutes if I listened to Jasmine's screaming for me to step on it.

"Five more minutes!" I comforted Jasmine's panting and crying while entering the emergency entry to the hospital. "Alright, Jasmine, we're here, but be-"

"Oh, shut up! Call a doctor, both of you!" Jasmine cried while pushing Cassandra out of the car. I looked around to see nurses surrounding us as they helped Jasmine out.

"What's the matter?" A young man asked, helping Jasmine sit down in the wheelchair they provided.

"Is that a rhetorical question, or do I really have to answer?! And if I have to answer, I don't want you anywhere near me in that delivery room!" Jasmine barked out loud, gripping the handles on the chair as they rolled her in.

I watched as they rolled her in and sighed, "oh, she''s going to eat them alive." I joked when I felt a slap against my arm. "Ouch!" I hissed, turning to a very amused and happy Cassandra.

"Well, we're not done here! Come on, we still have to wait for them!" She squealed and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the entrance where Jasmine was heard crying and panting while we sat in the waiting room. Well, I sat, because Cassandra was pacing the room like a nervous lunatic, which granted, she was, but she didn't need to make the statement by making a hole in the floor. I, on the other hand, didn't say anything and patiently waited, checking the time every now and then. It was about three hours later than Cassandra started to annoy nurses by asking around what was happening to Jasmine, who was still unheard of.

"Cassandra, take a breath, I'm sure she's fine, she's probably surrounded by doctors as we speak." I stood beside her and patter her back, trying to calm her raging nerves, which, quite frankly, were making me nervous.

"I know, but we haven't heard from her or about her in three hours! It can't possibly take that long!" Cassandra huffed, wringing her hands together.

"Some births do, they all vary." I said soothingly, hiding my worry. Something could've happened to Jasmine or the baby while they were in there, but I wasn't going to tell Cassandra that, especially with her anxiety through the roof. "Just sit down and wait thirty more minutes, if they don't tell us anything in those couple of minutes, then we'll ask." I assured her and pulled her over to an empty chair.

"Family members of Jasmine Count?" Someone called, causing Cassandra to shove my hands off her and push past me, making me tumble back and falling into another seat.

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