Chapter 16

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"It's day seven, Ayva Collins." The man, whom I had learnt was the boss, called out from behind me as I felt another bucket of ice cold water fall onto me from above. "How are your muscles feeling, Collins?" He mocked me, knowing very well that I couldn't bear to be standing up anymore.

Ever since yesterday, he had placed me in a room where I had to stand up, otherwise, for every time that my knees bucked, or I fell to the ground because my legs ached to relax for even a second, I would get tased. It first started as small bolts that shocked my skin, until they became full-on electric waves that coursed through my entire body, ripping apart my already broken ribs. I had to stand for a whole 18 hours, non-stop, without even the tiniest of movement that hinted my exhaustion.

I felt another tub of frost come down to my already drenched clothes. It didn't help the fact that the boss had placed a fan in front of me that was pushing cool air to bite at my frigid bones. I could hear my teeth chattering incessantly while my body shivered uncontrollably.

"It's just one question, Ms. Collins." The boss man reminded me, smirking in front of me, and I could see the reflection of my purple lips on his shining glasses. "No answer?" He wondered before another bucket load of cutting ice fell on top of my numbing body.

I could feel the warmth of my tears trial down my cheeks, burning their way down before becoming cold as they fell to my quivering lips. "I-" I gasped as I felt his body move from the fan, the frosting air biting at my skin. "A-ask another q-ques-question." I pleaded, shrinking in my seat to fight off the numbing coldness that was taking over every inch of my body.

"You know," he spoke, amusement laced with his voice. "I heard that after a cruel body workout, it helps when you seep into a nice, cool pool with ice." I heard the sound of another bucket being loaded with ice before it was tipped over, and crashed down to me. I sucked in my bottom lips and tried to run my tongue over it, but everything was numb, not even my tongue had feeling. "Another question?" He pondered out loud, and snapped his fingers. "Alright, how about this one? Who is his most trusted employee?"

I closed my eyes and whimpered back, I couldn't answer that, I couldn't put Linia and Silvano in danger. Not after all they had done for me, Linia had almost lost his life protecting me while Silvano spent most of his days by my side, watching out for me.

"I- he- don't know!" I bit out, and let out a yelp when I felt a slap against my back, stinging right through my frozen spine and rocking across to my equally as frozen and broken ribcage.

"Come on, Ayva, think!" He exclaimed loudly, "I know you know, just tell me, and we can stop with all of this non-sense, besides, I myself and getting quite chilly just by being near you." He joked and stepped back as the sound of ice and water sloshing around racketed from above.

I closed my eyes in defeat and cried out in pain as the excruciating cold nipped at my beyond frozen body. One would've thought that after being here for hours now, my body would've numbed out, but unfortunately, I could still feel the most pained spots wither inside of me.

"He has t-two!" I yelped out, feeling ice fall down the back of my shirt, burning my skin slowly and painfully.

"Two, you say?" The man mused as he walked around, "that's certainly something. Who? Do tell, we're not done here just yet." He encouraged me to speak, but I couldn't force myself to say their names. I didn't know if it was because I knew it was wrong, or because I couldn't feel my tongue or lips anymore, but I knew I had already said too much. "No answer?" He asked as another bucket sloshed above.

I closed my eyes and grunted in suffering as more ice found their way down the front and back of my soaking and freezing shirt.

"Sir?" A voice called out and I silently thanked the Gods that they had stopped my suffering for even a second. "You have a message, he says it's important." The young man called out.

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