Ten: Rain

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Mina's POV

"Hey, beautiful... can I sit here?"
"Sure, the chair is not labelled by a spesific person name though" I said to Chae as she pulled the chair beside me and sit on it.
"So.. you are alone?" Chae asked as I shaked my head.
"Where is your girlfriend?" She asked again as I stop reading and look at her.
"Chaeng, I need to get concentrate on my book" I said as I got annoyed.
"Ummm okay, I'm just asking, why my ex girlfriend is so scary now? Hmmpphh" she sighed as I continue my project.
I look around as I wait for that snake, where is she? It has been too long for just finding a book, hmpph
"Hey, what are you looking for?" Chae asked.
"Sana, did you see her? She is with me, and she said she will find some books but she didn't come back until now" I said as Chae smiled at me.

"She is there, penguin" Chae said as she pointing the corner of the bookshelf that Sana is leaning on that bookshelf and reading while standing.
"Hey... hey... Sanaa.. hey.. what are you doing there, come here" I tapped the seat beside me as I feel that that Chaeng is still staring at me.
Sana shaked her head as she signaling me that I can just sit with Chaeng.
I sighed as I get back to my book and doing my project.
"Need help, babe?" Chaeng asked as I look at her
"Babe? Chaeng.. I'm not your babe, we are ended" I said as she suddenly hold my hand.
"But I just miss you, don't you miss me?" She asked as I pull my hand away.
"Chaeng, I'm sorry.. just forget about me.. I have Tzuyu now" I said as I continue my project until the end and ignore her aa I keep doing my assignment. She still sit beside me and staring at me don't even get tired and annoyed me.

I am done my project as I close my books and put it back to my bag as Chaeng still looking at me.
"Chaeng, you should just go back to the dorm, don't waste your time on me" I said as I gets up from my seat and grabs my bag walk to find Sana but Chaeng followed me.
"Hey... wait let's go back together" she said as she stops me holding my wrist.
"Let me go" I glared at her as I found the Sanake is still doing her project, she sits on the ground and lean to the bookshelf like stupid.
"Sana, you haven't done?" I asked.
"Hmmm... ohhh.. I'm okay, you can go back first" Sana said.
"Are you sure?" I asked as Sana nodded.
"Don't worry, Sana.. I will walk her back" Chae joined.
"Okay, roommates take care of her for me" Sana said.
"Hey.. what the..." I said as I walk away.

I walk out the library as it is raining, oh damn I don't bring my umbrella.
"Hey, don't worry, I bring an umbrella, lucky you.. walk with your ex in the rain?" Chaeng said as she takes her umbrella out from her back and open it.
"Hey, come on, I will walk you back to dorm.. umm I mean we have a same way back though" Chaeng said as I sighed and nodded.
"Okayy, thanks" I said as I walk beside her under the umbrella back to the dorm.

Momo's POV

It has been three hours, Mina still haven't back.. is she okay? Umm yeah it is raining outside, does she bring her umbrella? Hmm or should I go there to pick her up with my umbrella, Tzuyu is not here though. Aaahh maybe Sana brings it.. okay don't be worried Momo.. OMG what is wrong with me.
Okay, I will just go there checked on her, I can't stand to be here like a stupid.
I grab my umbrella and run out the dorm, open up the umbrella and walk to the library.

I'm on my way to the library as I see a couple who is walking under the umbrella towards my way as they looks familiar. Umm wait.. that is Mina.. and damn that smol..wait.. where is Sana? Why she is with Chaeng? I walk towards them as they see me.
"Hey, Momo" Chae called.
"Hii" I said awkwardly look at Mina.
"Where are you going? It is raining, Momo" Mina said as I see Chae is smirking.
"Umm... t..to Library" I struggled.
"Eh? For what?" Mina asked as I look to the library building that I found Sana is walking out from it.
"Ummm.. pick up Sana, she didn't bring her umbrella.. so I just come here.. to walk her back to the dorm" I stupidly lied as Mina smiled.
"Ahhh.. I see.." she said.
"So, we will go first bye" Chae said as they walk passed by me
I walk here for you Mina, but guess I was late for just one step from Chaeng, again..

I walk to the library as I look at Sana who is alone sitting on the edge of the stairs hoping that the rain stopped
"Hey, Let's go back" I said as Sana look at me startled.
"Ohh.. Momo?"

To be continued....

Will update soon 😉😉

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I Only Have You In My Eyes ( Mina X Momo ) MiMoWhere stories live. Discover now