Twenty Seven: Kisses

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Tzuyu's POV

"I love you, Tzuyu.." Sana said as I stop my step.
What just she said? She loves me?
"I love you too Sana.. let's go inside" I said as I grab her hand and pulled her with me but she didn't even want to move her feet.
"Hey, come on Sana.. let's go inside.. talk inside it is cold here" I said as she looks down.
"I love you, Tzuyu.. I mean not just as a bestfriend.. but more" she said as she slowly stare into my eyes.
"I have keep this from the first time, cause I know the one who stole your heart is Mina.. Not me.. I hope it was me... but it is just a dream" Sana said.
"Okay.. okay.. Sana.. let's get inside I'm freezing" I said as I pull her forcely into my house

I ring the bell door as Mom open the door.
"Eh.. our daughter? You are here... Sana too.. where my daughter in law?" Mom said as I enter the house.
"Mom, your daughter in law is here" I said as Mom look at me confused.
"I'm just broke up with Mina for some reason.. and Sana said she wants to be your daughter in law" I said as I tease Sana.
"Tzuyuuuu" Sana whines as she hits me again and again.
"Mom, we will get in.. goodnight" I said as I grab Sana's hand and pull her into my room.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked Sana
"What? I should be the one who asked you, what daughter in law?" Sana said.
"You said you love me, didn't you?" I asked.
"Yes, I did" Sana said.
"And I know what you mean by that, you hate me right?" I said.
"Huh?" Sana looks at me confused.
"I mean how can you love me when everyday I always being mean to you and make you annoyed" I said.
"So you think that I'm joking now, Tzuyu?" Sana said.
"Hmm yeah right?" I said as suddenly Sana loops her hand on my neck and pull me towards her.

She just... she just kissed me..
"You still think that I'm joking?" Sana pulled off as I still got startled that I just can look at her expressionless.
"Tzuyu, I love you.. I'm serious.. I never can't show it because you are dating my bestfriend and I know you love her and I just can't said it" Sana said as I still look at her blank.
"I'm not forcing you to date me, chewy.. I'm just telling you what I can't tell you this whole time.. I know you are having a hard time now, and I don't want to make everything worst.." Sana said.

Mina's POV

I wake up as I felt someone is hugging me, I turn around and I found that there is a racoon who is sleeping soundly..
I reach my phone as I check the time and it is midnight, I get up and look at Tzuyu's bed but she is not here..
"Hmmm.. she is with Sana, back to sleep it is still midnight" suddenly Momo wraps her hand around my waist as she told me Tzuyu is with Sana.
"Sana? They are together?" I asked as she pulled me back lying on the bed on her embrances.
"Yeah, you know, Sana is the one who should told you, but okay.. if you want to know it.. Sana loves Tzuyu all this time.. she keeps it because she doesn't want to ruin you guys relationship" Momo said as she played with my hair.
"Eh? Really?" I asked.
"Yes, she told me before" Momo said.
"Umm let's back to sleep.. penguin" Momo continue as she leans towards me and want to kiss me but I block her.
"Yaaa.. you have your bed.. why you sleep here?" I Said as I pushed her away didn't mean to make her fall but she just fell to the ground

"Ahhh yaaa.. Minaaa.. why you are so mean?" Momo whined as she gets up, rubbing her butt.
"Ohh.. sorry.. I didn't mean to.." I said as she crawl back to my bed.
"You should pay for that, penguin" she said as she holds both of my hand and begin to kiss me.
"Yaaaa.. pervert" I said as she stops.
"Pervert??" She asked as she let me go.
"Yes, what are you doing? I mean.. we are not even can do this.. cause.." I struggle as Momo laughed.
"Okay, I understand.. you mean I'm not your girlfriend yet.. so.. hahah okay.. I will make you my girlfriend soon.." Momo said as she gets up and walk to her bed and sleep.

"Momo" I called her as she hummed.
"I'm cold" I whines as she turn around and look at me.
"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked as I grab my penguin doll and walk to her bed.
"Can I sleep here?" I asked.
"Mina.. you have your own bed, don't you?" Momo said as she take her revenge.
"But.. I miss you" I said.
"Guess who is the pervert now?" Momo said as she pulled me into her hugs..

To be continued.....

Will update soon 😉😉

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