Last: Fate

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Momo's POV

I wake up with a text message from My lovely penguin as I get my phone and check it.
My 🐧 : Momoring..
Momo : yes, babe?
My 🐧 : do you have a plan today?
Momo : hmmm... yeah
My 🐧 : what is it? Important?
Momo : yes very important
My 🐧 : okay..
Momo : why?
My 🐧 : want asked you for a date
Momo : yes that is my plan tho
My 🐧 : 😒😒😒😒

I take a bath and drive to Mina's place.. stop by the flower shop and of course I don't forget the ring... yeah.. today I'm going to ask her to be my wife.. it is a bit fast for us but I don't want to let this chance go again.. I must make her mine whatever is her answer.

I ring the bell door as she open the door
"Ohhh.. you are here already?" Mina smile at me while I brag into her room.. hiding the bouquet of the roses behind my back.
"Soo.. where are we going to today?" Mina asked.
"Umm.. going to church?" I said as she looks at me confused.
"What?" She asked as I kneel down and give her the flower.
"Let's go to the church.. and get married.." I said as Mina blushed hard.
"Noooo.." she said as she teased me.
"Whyyy? Babe.. I love you.." I said as she turned around walk to her room and take her jacket.
"Hey.. where are you going?" I asked as she walks towards me

She take the flowers and hold my hand as she lean to peck my lips.. yeah.. is it a yes?
"No.. it doesn't mean that I said yes to you" she said.
"W...wait..what?" I asked her as she put her phone on my hand.
"Let's play.. and if you win.. I'm yours forever.. and if you lose.. you are mine forever" she said
"What is the differences then?" I said
"I just want to see if we are really fated to be with each other or not.. so.. here is my phone.. and what you have to do is find me.. I won't tell you where I will go.. you can find me if we are fated to be together.. that's all" she said as she walk to the door.
"What? Hey.. why?" I asked
"Just make it fun.. cause your way to porposed me is boring Momo" Mina said as she laughed.
"Boring? Yaaa.. Myoui Mina" I shouted as she walk out the door that I run there and wanted to open the door but she locked it
"Yaaa.. Mina.. why she locked me up? Aish" I whined as I search for the duplicate door key.

Mina's POV

We met for the first time in the junior high school as we dated each other and in the end we broke up.. but the fate keep make us looking at each other.. even in the high school I met her again... as my ex girlfriend.. she said she loves me she still loves me when I'm being the evil cheater girl who break her heart and making her looks bad for all over the school.. that in the end I ended up to leave her for her sake again.. againn I broke her heart.. I thought  it is the last time I see her so I won't make her suffer anymore.. but the fate just don't let me to leave her.. as we even meet at her office... and make me work with her.. I thought this will be a bad that I meet her again.. the things before will happened again to us as she still have the same words for me "I still Love you" and now I give up.. I give up to denying myself about my feelings.. about my heart to her.. that I miss her.. that I love her.. and I want her for the rest of my life..

Now she asked me to marry her.. this is what I have wanted for a long time.. hearing that from her mouth and I'm not going to run away again.. but I'm just going to check that the fate is really real.. the fate between us is really real or not..
I am going to the centre of the town without telling anyone without any phone with me.. just me and my heart.. let's see if my fate can find me or not..

Momo's POV

Crazy penguin.. where the heck is she going to...without her phone? Whyy must she did this stupid things on the day I proposed to her.. OMG.. she didn't even left any clue for me where she will go to..  what is really in her mind.. I have called Sana and Tzuyu but both of their phone is turned off.. guess the girls is doing their business and ignore the world..when I'm going to be crazy to look for that wild penguin. Where should I go when this place is so huge? Mina pleasee...

"Momo" someone shouted as I look back I thought it is Mina but it is Chaeyoung with...Jihyo?
"Ohh.. hey" I said as they smiled at me
"What are you doing here?" Chae asked.
"Finding Mina" I said
"Mina? She just stop by about 15 minutes ago" Jihyo said.
"Eh? Really?" I asked.
"Yeah she bought a coffee and she said she is enjoying the view of the town" Chae said.
"Ohh damn she still near here.. thanks guys.. umm by the way you guys looks good together" I shouted as I run away when Chae shouted
"We are married, Momoo..go get your Mina.. hurry" she shouted as I run faster until

"Braaggg" I bump into a couple as they cursed on me
"What the hell? Can you just be careful? You..." the girl shouted as I look at them
"Momooooooooo" one of the girl shouted as she thrown herself to hug me.
"Ohh yeah hey Nayeon and Jeongyeon.. I'm sorry about this.. I will pay for this.. I'm in a hurry see you" I said as I continue to run.
"Yaaa... Hirai Momo... take a responsible for this" Jeong shouted
"I will paid for that later....." I shouted back and waves at them and continue to find where is that penguin going to..

I stop at the redlight as I want to cross the street.. panting because of tiredness but someone catch my eyes.. across the street.. Myoui Mina.. Finally...
"MYOUI MINAAA" I shouted as she looks at me smiling.
"Myoui Minaaa... I LOVEEEE YOUUUUU.. WILL YOU MARRY MEEEE?" I shouted with all of me from here to across as everyone look at me thinking that I might be crazy.. but yes I am crazy of Myoui Mina..
Mina smile at me doing nothing but waiting the green light on.. it is feel so long but soon as the green light shown I run to her as she run towards me too..

She jumps to me as I catches her lift her up and twirls around.
"Yess.. yess.. I will" she said as I pulled her towards me and kiss her in the middle of the crowd..
middle of the street..
middle of the cars and
in the middle of the world..
where we are fate to be one..
and Myoui Mina.. the only one girl in this world that I have an eye for..
even in the afterlife..
I will make sure..
we are one....


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Thanks for reading all this time..

And please looking forward to the next MiMo story

"Unbeatable Heart" 😉
Thank you

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